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Результаты поиска

  1. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    This error occurs if you have quotes like: " " at the start of the sentences or at the end. Check for those within the file and remove them. At least that's what I did.
  2. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    Since there are some new updates and quite a few new strings, I decided to filter all the new strings in the DB file and append them to my old MT one. But EGMT doesn't accept all of them( only 37 out of 537). This is a test that I did to see if this appending idea works. I hoped it did
  3. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    Thanks for adding ro language as default. There are a few strings that EGMT fails to extract : const string snc_help_Enter_01 = " на 1: ENTER."; const string snc_help_Enter_10 = " на 10: LSHIFT + ENTER."; const string snc_help_Enter_50 = " на 50: LCTRL + ENTER."; const string snc_help_mouse_01 =...
  4. dolorosa

    Russian Speech Files Subtitle

    Hi everyone, I am looking for somebody who can help me with the Russian subtitle of around 200 audio( speech) files, which they currently have none. All I need is the subtitle in Russian so I can afterwards translate them into my language so they can be dubbed. These files have no subtitles...
  5. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    It's superior to google translate or any other automatic translator found atm on the internet.
  6. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    Hi:). I come in here with another question, and which turns out to be a problem for all the languages which's grammar have genders. As you know, and as I understood, the tool itself picks an unique text string (in case of doubles) and implements it (like it was in "Как дела?" case). In other...
  7. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    Do you think that adding the database aligning style into the MT file won't cause any offset when generating a new MT?
  8. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    Can I ask you one more favor if you don't mind? When exporting the mod-table on a new update in the target language column, the new text strings are shown weirdly. Could all these new text strings in the target language column be empty ( like in the DB file type)? I will put two pictures so you...
  9. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    Cheers! I'll be back if i encounter any issue.
  10. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    What is it you changed at it?
  11. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    In other words the program picks only one unique string, but not all its duplicates, am I right? So I should use a standard "translation" in cases like this? For example "Как дела?" should have the same translation in all its occurrences?
  12. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    I see that you changed the text string, thanks. But do you know what could be the cause of the wrong alignment?
  13. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    I have attached the script that I have translated, again, today(the one with the wrong alignment), the original russian script, the torrent of the mod and the translation file. Thank you!
  14. dolorosa

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    I am dealing with an issue regarding easy gothic mod translator. When I import my translation, Viper's 'C_Info_Description' text string applies to Bodo. I will attach a picture to see for yourself what I am on about. Though, I have a question regarding this tool's way of working. The thing is...
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