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Результаты поиска

  1. Kyrmir TDM [EN/PL/DE/RU]

    We invite you to another magical round on our server! This time it's Saturday. I would also like to greet and thank all the Russian players who decided to visit our discord. Make yourselves at home and invite your friends to play together 04.03.2023 Saturday - 20:00 CET (UTC+1) Time Zone Map
  2. Kyrmir TDM [EN/PL/DE/RU]

    As I said: Union "features" won't be tolerated on this server. Most servers will just kick you if they detect it.
  3. Kyrmir TDM [EN/PL/DE/RU]

    Here is a showcase from the last round: We announce also the third round of public tests. 26.02.2023 (Sunday - 20:00 CET (UTC+1)) https://www.timeanddate.com/time/map/
  4. Kyrmir TDM [EN/PL/DE/RU]

    This is gameplay from the first tests, you can see here what it looked like. Previous version of the server Kyrmir TDM is a hybrid of Deathmatch and MMORPG. Best of two worlds. About the installation, it's really simple. 1.Download Gothic 2 Online G2O Site 2.Install Gothic 2 Online into...
  5. Kyrmir TDM [EN/PL/DE/RU]

    There is a possibility to choose russian language on the server. Hello everyone very warmly. We are already after the first public tests, which were a great success for us. The number of people at the peak was 58. This shows that there is some interest in our project, and there are people who...
  6. Kyrmir TDM [EN/PL/DE/RU]

    Приветствуем всех поклонников и энтузиастов серии Gothic! Наша команда состоит из двух человек. Оба мы играем в фанатские мультиплеерные проекты по Готике уже более десяти лет. После всего этого замечательного времени мы создали свое собственное видение того, как должен выглядеть идеальный...
  7. Готика 3 Balance Ultimate v2.2.1

    Im not sure if the author knows that fire rain or hailstorm hits multiple times so giving it 500-750 dmg makes it almost oneshot everything. Even the new dragons from conquest "union mod pack" or LTM bosses. The only thing that survived hailstrom was the last dragon boss and had to cast it 2nd...
  8. Пробуждение (UA) Пробуждение

    I believe that the damage should not be this much amplified or I am not sure how this work. I'll make an example: Without staff you will hit an enemy with 20 damage per sec. When you will equip the staff it will add the mana scaling (it was not working without it) damage to the 20 damage per sec...
  9. Пробуждение (UA) Пробуждение

    There are some issues with spells. I am not sure if it is on 1.5A version but probably yes. It is on 1.3A 1. Storm fist. You can check it here: ✂️ storm fist 2. Wind fist/Storm fist - enemies won't give you exp if they die from fall damage (thats broken itself) 3. Pyrokinesis damage is bugged...
  10. Пробуждение (UA) Пробуждение

    Can you add a limit to gold and innos gifts? The problem here is that you can mine from vines infinite amount of gold and add infinite amount of stats from innos :( Special arrows (fire) have no scaling and are bugged for example when you use them on black troll. Instead of doing even minimum...
  11. Пробуждение (UA) Пробуждение

    Hello. Just completed 1.3 on hard difficulty. The game looks much better compared to 1.2. Few suggestions and bugs: - Special arrows/bolts (fire and magic) do not scale with dexterity so they are pretty much useless. You can not complete Sleepers Temple with bow/crossbow without that scaling...
  12. Пробуждение (UA) Пробуждение

    Your access is about missing MSVCR100.dll. It is the same as "Если при запуске игра будет требовать MSVCP140.dll, попробуйте установить пакет VS 2015 C++ Redistributable.exe" You have to download vcr_hybrid x86 or x64 known as Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package Hybrid depending on your...
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