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Результаты поиска

  1. Sporthistoriker

    [Tool] Easy Gothic Mod Translator

    Have you been able to solve the problems?
  2. Sporthistoriker

    VDFS tool + сжатые VDF тома

    Hello, thank you for the great tool. Due to the mass of plugins with UNION as a basis and the general patches of various kinds, which are created and distributed as .vdf, the clarity is somewhat lost. If the creator of a .vdf does not specify a version in the file name, it will inevitably be...
  3. Sporthistoriker

    Gothic ½ SystemPack

    What is that? How can I categorise it? https://github.com/GothicFixTeam/GothicFix/releases
  4. Sporthistoriker

    Готика 2: НВ Textures AI

    Yes, the GRM graphic designer contacted me the other day. I would like to realise Gothic/Gothic II DNdR completely with KI/AI.
  5. Sporthistoriker

    Gothic II - Новые приключения

    May I ask which font was used for the logo of the modification in the start post? Greetings Marcus / Feuerbarde / Sporthistoriker @worldofplayers.de
  6. Sporthistoriker

    Готика 2: НВ Textures AI

    We are currently working on this in Germany: We use two AI tools and, if necessary, manual reworking. Are you planning anything else for Gothic (1)? Greetings Marcus / Feuerbarde / Sporthistoriker @worldofplayers.de
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