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Результаты поиска

  1. Gothic ½ Рендер D3D7 → D3D11, в разработке...

    You need to start it in windowed mode. Sorry for messing that up. I have already fixed it and will update the dll on github soon.
  2. Gothic ½ Рендер D3D7 → D3D11, в разработке...

    So who is the funny guy who is translating my pad to russian all the time? If you want, I can send the latest version of the sourcecode to you and you continue development then? Because it looks like you would need my Todo-List in Russian, and I'm fine with someone so "ambitious" as you...
  3. Gothic ½ Рендер D3D7 → D3D11, в разработке...

    The lighting on the water is still pretty simple. It is just a linear interpolation between white and a dark gray, depending on how high the sun is. Also the horizon doesn't look right yet and sunsets should be much brighter. Maybe I will go and implement this algorithm on day, which looks far...
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