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Рецепты куба SnEj


Участник форума
12 Май 2008

Рецепты скиллеров (Skiller)
Скиллеры – это классовые чармы. При помощи рецептов можно получить чармы с +1 или +2 к классовым навыкам, и, может быть, с другими случайными характеристиками. Такими, как extra gold, life и т.д.
Можно использовать любые магические чармы, любые perfect драгоценные камни, любые лечебные зелья и зелья трансформации в боссов "I'd like to be x".
Камни (Stones) могут быть брошены любым монстром, зелья трансформации соответствующими монстрами, например, Diablo бросает зелье « I'd like to be Diablo» и т.д.
Так выглядит камень брони (Armor Stone).

Harpoonist's - Javelin and Spear
Harpoonist's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Duriel Potion + Radament Potion + Hephaisto Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Acrobat's - Passive und Magic
Acrobat's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Duriel Potion + Radament Potion + Izual Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Fletcher's - Bow and Crossbow
Fletcher's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Duriel Potion + Radament Potion + Summoner Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Shogukusha's - Martial Arts
Shogukusha's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Diablo Potion + Griswold Potion + Hephaisto Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Mentalist's - Shadow Disciplines
Mentalist's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Diablo Potion + Griswold Potion + Izual Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Entrapping - Traps
Entrapping = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Diablo Potion + Griswold Potion + Summoner Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Sounding - Warcries
Sounding = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Summoner Potion + Hephaisto Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Fanatic - Combat Masteries
Fanatic = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Summoner Potion + Izual Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Expert's - Combat Skills
Expert's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Radament Potion + Nilathak Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Nature's - Elemental
Nature's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Diablo Potion + Baal Potion + Nilathak Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Spiritual - Shape Shifting
Spiritual = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Diablo Potion + Baal Potion + Hephaisto Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Trainer's - Summoning
Trainer's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Diablo Potion + Baal Potion + Izual Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Graverobber's - Summoning Spells
Graverobber's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Baal Potion + Nilathak Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Fungal - Poison and Bone
Fungal = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Baal Potion + Hephaisto Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Hexing - Curses
Hexing = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Baal Potion + Izual Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Preserver's - Defensive Auras
Preserver's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Griswold Potion + Hephaisto Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Captain's - Offensive Auras
Captain's = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Griswold Potion + Izual Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Lion Branded - Combat Skills
Lion Branded = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Griswold Potion + Summoner Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Chilling - Cold Spells
Chilling = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Diablo Potion + Radament Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Sparking - Lightning Spells
Sparking = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Diablo Potion + Smith Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

Burning - Fire Spells
Burning = any magic Grand Charm + any Perfect Gem + Mephisto Potion + Diablo Potion + Griswold Potion + Armor Stone + any Healing Potion

(originally by SamusAran)

3 Amazon Skillpusher = 1 random Amazon Skillpusher

3 Assassin Skillpusher = 1 random Assassin Skillpusher

3 Barbarian Skillpusher = 1 random Barbarian Skillpusher

3 Druid Skillpusher = 1 random Druid Skillpusher

3 Necromancer Skillpusher = 1 random Necromancer Skillpusher

3 Paladin Skillpusher = 1 random Paladin Skillpusher

3 Sorceress Skillpusher = 1 random Sorceress Skillpusher

3 large charms = 1 random medium charm
3 medium charms = 1 random small charm
3 small charms = 1 random large charm

Драгоценные камни (Gems)

драгоценных камней
3 gems of same quality and type = 1 new gem of same type and next quality

3 Perfect Gems of the same type + 2 Armor Stones = Uber Gem of same type with Armor affixes

3 Perfect Gems of the same type + 2 Weapon Stones = Uber Gem of same type with Weapon affixes

3 Perfect gems of the same type + 2 Shield Stones = Uber Gem of same type with Shield affixes


Улучшение рун
From Qui up to Rec: 3 runes of the same type = runelevel + 1
From Rel up to Yell: 2 runes of the same type = runelevel + 1

Понижение рун
Any rune + minor healing potion = runelevel - 1


Улучшение вещей

Uniq items
Gol rune + Mahm rune + perfect ruby + normal unique weapon -> exceptional unique weapon
Thi rune + Eed rune + perfect diamond + normal unique armor -> exceptional unique armor
Per rune + Rep rune + perfect ruby + exceptional unique weapon -> elite uniqueweapon
Rel rune + Ref rune + perfect diamond + exceptional unique armor -> elite unique armor

Set items
Gol rune + Vahm rune + perfect ruby + normal set weapon -> exceptional set weapon
Thi rune + Mahm rune + perfect saphire + normal set armor -> exceptional set armor
Per rune + Mac rune + perfect ruby + exceptional set weapon -> elite set weapon
Rel rune + Rep rune + perfect saphire + exceptional set armor -> elite set armor

Rare & Craft items
Fac rune + Col rune + perfect skull + basis rare weapon -> exceptional rare weapon
Eed rune + Vahm rune + perfect topaz + basis rare armor -> exceptional rare armor
Rec rune + Gol rune + perfect skull + exceptional rare weapon -> elite rare weapon
Ref rune + Mac rune + perfect topaz + exceptional rare armor -> elite rare armor

Magic items
Mahm rune + Fir rune + perfect smaragd + magic basis weapon -> magic exceptional weapon
Vahm rune + Lig rune + perfect amethyst + magic basis armor -> magic exceptional armor
Rep rune + Fac rune + perfect smaragd + magic exceptional weapon -> magic elite weapon
Mac rune + Thi rune + perfect amethyst + magic exceptional armor -> magic elite armor

normal items
Vahm rune + Oisl rune + perfect gem +normal weapon -> normal exceptional weapon
Vahm rune + Oisl rune + perfect gem + normal armor -> normal exceptional armor
Col rune + Fir rune + perfect gem + exceptional weapon -> normal elite weapon
Col rune + Fir rune + perfect gem + exceptional armor -> normal elite armor

Socket recipes
any normal item + x Bright charms = x socketed Item
x = number of socketeds
Bright = unique small charm

random socketed:
(non superior oder cracked items)
reg + fac + 1 perfect gem + normal weapon -> 1-6 socketed weapon
bal + reed + 1 perfect gem + normal torso -> 1-6 socketed torso
noc + mahm + 1 perfect gem + normal helm -> 1-6 socketed helm
oisl + vahm + 1 perfect gem + normal shield -> 1-6 socketed shield
bal + eed + 1 perfect gem + normal gloves -> 1-6 socketed gloves
noc + mahm + 1 perfect gem + normal belt ->1-6 socketed belt
oisl + vahm + 1 perfect gem + normal boots -> 1-6 socketed boots

2 arrows -> bolts
2 bolts -> arrows
2 rings -> amulet
2 amulets -> ring

Normal Weapon + 5 Perfect Gems -> Rare weapon of the same type
Normal Armor + 5 Perfect Gems -> Rare armor of the same type
Magic Ring + 5 Perfect Gems -> Rare ring
Magic Amulet + 5 Perfect Gems -> Rare amulet
Normal Weapon + 3 Perfect Gems -> Magic weapon of the same type
Normal Armor + 3 Perfect Gems -> Magic armor of the same type
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