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Рецепты крафта (Crafts)


Участник форума
12 Май 2008
Оригинал на немецком находится здесь
Перевод с немецкого на английский Silvermoon
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Craft Belt10:
66% chance auf lvl 100 Faust des Himmels auf Schlag zu zaubern
Faust des Himmels = Fist of Heaven(?)

auf vernichtenen Schlag (CB) = crushing blow?
auf vernichtenden Schlag (DB) = destroying blow?
auf Todschlag (DS) = deadly strike?
auf offene Wunden = open wounds

ring - Craft's

Craft ring1
magic ring + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect rock crystal
1-20%chance auf vernichtenden Schlag (DB)
1-20%chance auf Todschlag (DS)
1-25%chance auf offene Wunden
half freeze duration
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft ring2
magic ring + any jewel + Fir-rune + perfect aventurin
25-30(min) to 60-80(max) elementel damage (fire/cold/lightning)
5-10maximum damage
10-15maximum damage
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft ring3
magic ring + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect topaz
10-20 life after each kill
10-20 to mana after each kill
freeze target +1-5
5-10 life after each demon kill
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft ring4
magic ring + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect charoit
10-25 to strength
5-15% faster cast rate
5-50% better chance of getting items
25-75% extra gold from monsters
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft ring5
magic ring + any jewel + Vahm-rune + perfect ruby
20-40 to strength
50-100 to life
2-4% life stolen per hit

Craft ring6
magic ring + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect sapphire
2-4% mana stolen per hit
50-100 to mana
20-40 to dexterity
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft ring7
magic ring + any jewel + Eed-rune + perfect amethyst
0-1 to all skills
5-10 to all attributes
5-15% to all resistances
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft ring8
magic ring + any jewel + Fac-rune + perfect emerald
0-1 to all skills
20-45 to dexterity
5-15% increased attack speed
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft ring9
magic ring + any jewel + Thi-rune + perfect skull
0-2 to all skills
15-30 to strength
15-30 to dexterity
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft ring10
magic ring + any jewel + Thi-rune + perfect diamond
0-2 to all skills
20-45 to strength
1-3% life stolen per hit
1-8% faster cast rate
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Amulett - Craft's

Craft Amulet1

magic amulet + any jewel + Bal-rune + perfect rock crystal
20-30 to strength
20-30 to dexterity
20-30% better chance of getting items
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Amulet2
magic amulet + any jewel + Noc-rune + perfect aventurin
2-4% life stolen per hit
slows target by 10-25%
25-50% to attack rating
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Amulet3
magic amulet + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect topaz
5-15% increased attack speed
2-4% mana stolen per hit
30-50% faster mana regeneration
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Amulet4
magic amulet + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect charoit
reduces all vendor prices 5-15%
10-30% increased chance of blocking
15-25% faster block rate
0,375% extra gold per level
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Amulet5
magic amulet + any jewel + Fir-rune + perfect ruby
10-25% enhanced defense
300-1000 attack rating
5-20% lower enemy defense
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Amulet6
magic amulet + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect sapphire
5-15% to all resistances
5-20% increased attack speed
50-100 to mana
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Amulet7
magic amulet + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect amethyst
0-1 to all skills
fire resist +10-30%
cold resist +10-30%
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Amulet8
magic amulet + any jewel + Thi-rune + perfect emerald
0-2 to all skills
2-4% life stolen per hit
2-4% mana stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Amulet9
magic amulet + any jewel + Fac-rune + perfect skull
0-2 to all skills
3-5% life stolen per hit
20-50 to strength

Craft Amulet10
magic amulet + any jewel + Eed-rune + perfect diamond
0-1 to all skills
lightning resist +10-30%
poison resist +10-20%
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Waffen - Craft's

Craft Weapon1

magic weapon + any jewel + Bal-rune + perfect rock crystal
30-90% enhanced damage
30-60% faster mana regeneration
10-15% mana
10-15 to mana after each kill
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Weapon2
magic weapon + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect aventurin
30-90% enhanced damage
20-35 faster life regeneration
8-12% life
10-20 life after each kill
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Weapon3
magic weapon + any jewel + Noc-rune + perfect topaz
30-90% enhanced damage
10-20% lower enemy fire resistance
10-20% lower enemy cold resistance
10-20% fire skill damage
10-20% cold skill damage
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Weapon4
magic weapon + any jewel + Vahm-rune + perfect charoit
30-90% enhanced damage
10-20% lower enemy lightning resistance
10-20% lower enemy poison resistance
10-20% lightning skill damage
10-20% poison skill damage
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Weapon5
magic weapon + any jewel + Fir-rune + perfect ruby
30-90% enhanced damage
repairs 1 durability every 2 seconds
refills 1 quantity every 2 seconds
quantity increased by 100-300
20-50% increased durability
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Weapon6
magic weapon + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect sapphire
30-90% enhanced damage
requirements +10%
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Weapon7
magic weapon + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect amethyst
30-90% enhanced damage
2-4% life stolen per hit
30-60 to strength
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Weapon8
magic weapon + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect emerald
30-90% enhanced damage
2-4% mana stolen per hit
30-60 to dexterity
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Weapon9
magic weapon + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect skull
30-90% enhanced damage
0-1 to all skills
3 sockets
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Weapon10
magic weapon + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect diamond
30-90% enhanced damage
0-1 to all skills
20-30% faster cast rate
30-60% increased attack speed
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Rustung - Craft's

Craft Torso1
magic armor + any jewel + Noc-rune + perfect rock crystal
100-150% enhanced defense
500-1000 defense
20-30% increased chance of blocking
50%faster block rate
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Torso2

magic armor + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect aventurin
50-90% enhanced defense
2-4% life stolen per hit
20-30 to strength
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Torso3
magic armor + any jewel + Fir-rune + perfect topaz
50-90% enhanced defense
1,5 defense per level
10-20% increased attack speed
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Torso4
magic armor + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect charoit
50-90% enhanced defense
3-4% mana stolen per hit
3-4% life stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Torso5
magic armor + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect ruby
50-90% enhanced defense
2-4% mana stolen per hit
10-15% mana
30-50% regenerate mana
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Torso6
magic armor + any jewel + Vahm-rune + perfect sapphire
50-90% enhanced defense
8-12% life
25-35 to regenerate life
50-70 to life
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Torso7
magic armor + any jewel + Eed-rune + perfect amethyst
50-90% enhanced defense
10-20 life after each kill
10-20 to mana after each kill
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Torso8
magic armor + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect emerald
50-90% enhanced defense
0-2 to all skills
10-30% increased chance of blocking
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Torso9
magic armor + any jewel + Bal-rune + perfect skull
50-90% enhanced defense
0-1 to all skills
10-20 to all resistances
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Torso10
magic armor + any jewel + Eed-rune + perfect diamond
50-90% enhanced defense
fire resist +10-30%
lightning resist +10-30%
cold resist +10-30%
poison resist +20-40%
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

helm - Craft's

Craft helm1

magic helm + any jewel + Vahm-rune + perfect rock crystal
50-90% enhanced defense
100-200 to mana
100-200 to life
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft helm2
magic helm + any jewel + Fir-rune + perfect aventurin
50-90% enhanced defense
10-15% to all resistances
2-4% life stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft helm3
magic helm + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect topaz
50-90% enhanced defense
0-1 to all skills
10-100% reanimate as: InsaneIceSpawn
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft helm4
magic helm + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect charoit
50-90% enhanced defense
0-2 to all skills
10-50% reanimate as: Minion of Destruction [Diener der Zerstörung]
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft helm5
magic helm + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect ruby
50-90% enhanced defense
30-70% faster mana regeneration
5-15 to mana after each kill
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft helm6
magic helm + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect sapphire
50-90% enhanced defense
10-20% life
15-20 life after each kill
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft helm7

magic helm + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect amethyst
50-90% enhanced defense
5-30% chance auf vernichtenen Schlag (CB)
5-30% chance auf Todschlag (DS)
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft helm8
magic helm + any jewel + Noc-rune + perfect emerald
50-90% enhanced defense
0,375 maximum damage per level
0,625 minimum damage per level
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft helm9
magic helm + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect skull
50-90% enhanced defense
2-4% mana stolen per hit
2-4% life stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft helm10
magic helm + any jewel + Fir-rune + perfect diamond
50-90% enhanced defense
3-4% life stolen per hit
30-40 to strength
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Handschuh - Craft's

Craft Glove1

magic gloves + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect rock crystal
50-90% enhanced defense
10-30 to strength
5-15% chance auf vernichtenen Schlag (CB)
5-15% chance auf Todschlag(DS)
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Glove2
magic gloves + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect aventurin
50-90% enhanced defense
20-35 to strength
2-4% life stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Glove3
magic gloves + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect topaz
50-90% enhanced defense
30-40 to dexterity
2-4% mana stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Glove4
magic gloves + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect charoit
50-90% enhanced defense
1-6% life stolen per hit
1-6% mana stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Glove5
magic gloves + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect ruby
50-90% enhanced defense
10-25 to strength
5-10% chance auf vernichtenen Schlag (CB)
5-10% chance auf Todschlag(DS)
1% life stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Glove6
magic gloves + any jewel + Eed-rune + perfect sapphire
50-90% enhanced defense
10-20 to all attributes
10-25% increased attack speed
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Glove7

magic gloves + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect amethyst 5
0-90% enhanced defense
15-25% faster cast rate
50-75 to mana
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Glove8
magic gloves + any jewel + Bal-rune + perfect emerald
50-90% enhanced defense
10-15% to all resistances
10-25% magic resistance
5-10% poison skill damage
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Glove9
magic gloves + any jewel + Eed-rune + perfect skull
50-90% enhanced defense
0-1 to all skills
3-8% to all max resistances
3-8% to all resistances
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Glove10
magic gloves + any jewel + Vahm-rune + perfect diamond
50-90% enhanced defense
0-2 to all skills
10-20% life
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

belt - Craft's

Craft Belt1
magic belt + any jewel + Fir-rune + perfect rock crystal
50-90% enhanced defense
0-2 to all skills
2,5 to life per level
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Belt2
magic belt + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect aventurin
50-90% enhanced defense
10-20% to all resistances
20-50 to all attributes
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Belt3
magic belt + any jewel Oisl-rune + perfect topaz
50-90% enhanced defense
50-80(min) to 100-120(max) elemental damage (fire/cold/lightning)
1,5 defense per level
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Belt4
magic belt + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect charoit
50-90% enhanced defense
10-20 to all attributes
10-20% increased attack speed
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Belt5
magic belt + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect ruby
50-90% enhanced defense
10-15% faster cast rate
20-35% faster hit recovery
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Belt6
magic belt + any jewel + Noc-rune + perfect sapphire
50-90% enhanced defense
2-5% mana stolen per hit
2-5% life stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Belt7
magic belt + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect amethyst
50-90% enhanced defense
10-15% Leben
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Belt8
magic belt + any jewel + Fir-rune + perfect emerald
50-90% enhanced defense
20-60 fireabsorb
20-60 coldabsorb
20-60 lightningabsorb
20-60 magicabsorb
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Belt9
magic belt + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect skull
50-90% enhanced defense
100-150 to life
100-150 to mana
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Belt10
magic belt + any jewel + Vahm-rune + perfect diamond
50-90% enhanced defense
33% chance of lvl 25 Corpse Explosion on each kill [chance auf lvl 25 Kadava Explosion wenn sie einen Gegner ausschalten]
66% chance auf lvl 100 Faust des Himmels auf Schlag zu zaubern
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Schuh - Craft's

Craft Boot1
magic boots + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect rock crystal
50-90% enhanced defense
33-33 kick damage
20-30% faster run/walk
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Boot2
magic boots + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect aventurin
50-90% enhanced defense
0,5 kick damage per level
2-4% life stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Boot3
magic boots + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect topaz
50-90% enhanced defense
30 to 100 kick damage (based on time (day))
3-6% life stolen per hit
1-10 tiger strike [Tigerschlag] (oskill)
10-15 dragon tail [Drachenschwanz] (oskill)
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Boot4
magic boots + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect charoit
50-90% enhanced defense
2-4% mana stolen per hit
2-4% life stolen per hit
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Boot5
magic boots + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect ruby
50-90% enhanced defense
3-5% life stolen per hit
20-30 to strength
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Boot6
magic boots + any jewel + Eed-rune + perfect sapphire
50-90% enhanced defense
0-3 to assasine skill levels
20-30 to dexterity
30-50% manageneration
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Boot7
magic boots + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect amethyst
50-90% enhanced defense
2-3 sockets
0-2 to all skills
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Boot8

magic boots + any jewel + Fir-rune + perfect emerald
50-90% enhanced defense
10-15 to all resistances
10-25% magic resistance
33-66% reanimate as: OblivionKnight
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Boot9
magic boots + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect skull
50-90% enhanced defense
50-120 to life
50-100 to mana
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Boot10
magic + boots + any jewel + Oisl-rune + perfect diamond
50-90% enhanced defense
10-20 life after each kill
10-20 to mana after each kill
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

shield - Craft's

Craft shield1

magic shield + any jewel + Vahm-rune + perfect rock crystal
50-90% enhanced defense
20-25% increased chance of blocking
50% faster block rate
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft shield2
magic shield + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect aventurin
50-90% enhanced defense
5-30% lower enemy fire resistance
5-30% fire skill damage
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft shield3
magic shield + any jewel + Noc-rune + perfect topaz
50-90% enhanced defense
5-30% lower enemy cold resistance
5-30% cold skill damage
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft shield4
magic shield + any jewel + Lig-rune + perfect charoit
50-90% enhanced defense
20-30 to all resistances
0-2 to all skills
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft shield5
magic shield + any jewel + Mahm-rune + perfect ruby
50-90% enhanced defense
5-30% lower enemy lightning resistance
5-30% lightning skill damage
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft shield6
magic shield + any jewel + Eed-rune + perfect sapphire
50-90% enhanced defense
5-30% lower enemy poison resistance
5-30% poison skill damage
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft shield7
magic shield + any jewel + Col-rune + perfect amethyst
50-90% enhanced defense
0-2 to all skills
attacker takes damage of 4-2000 (based on character level)
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft shield8
magic shield + any jewel + Bal-rune + perfect emerald
50-90% enhanced defense
2,5 defense per level
500-800 defense
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft shield9
magic shield + any jewel + Eed-rune + perfect skull
50-90% enhanced defense
0,75% better chance of getting items per level
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft shield10
magic shield + any jewel + Vahm-rune + perfect diamond
50-90% enhanced defense
0-1 to all skills
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

jewelen - Craft's

Craft Jewel1
magic jewel + any perfect gem + Vahm-rune
10% enhanced defense
reduces all vendor prices 1%
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Jewel2
magic jewel + any perfect gem + Mahm-rune
10% enhanced damage
reduces all vendor prices 1%
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Jewel3
magic jewel + any perfect gem + Eed-rune
5% to all resistances
reduces all vendor prices 1%
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

Craft Jewel4
magic jewel + any normal gem + Qui-rune
1% increased chance of blocking
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category

All - Craft

Craft All (works with any item except jewels and charms)
magic item + Qui-rune + Hit-rune + Arm-rune
1-5% to all resistances
5-10% better chance of getting items
10-20% extra gold from monsters
reduces all vendor prices 1-3%
4 random stats that can appear on rare items of the same item category
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