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Стартовал новый литературный конкурс от "Ордена Хранителей" - "Пираты Миртанского моря". Каждый может принять в нём участие и снискать славу и уважение, а в случае занятия призового места ещё и получить награду. Дерзайте
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I know this is an obscure game and not really mod friendly, but is there some sort of developer mode with a console command, and list of codes for individual characters and items? We could use it for polish wiki, which is so full of information, except for the Arcania section.
The game does not have a console. There is a special menu that can be opened using the "Cheat menu" command, but nothing more. All the functions of this menu are very standard and were needed in order to test the game developers.
There are only such cheat codes. But to activate them, in the Inputs file.you need to register this cheat code and assign it a key. Only then will it work:
activate item 1
activate item 2
activate item 3
activate item 4
activate item 5
activate item 6
activate item 7
activate item 8
activate item melee
activate item ranged
aim holster weapon
attack magic
attack melee
attack ranged
bestiary show all bigscreenshot
call scavenger
capture video center camera
character screen
cheat menu
decrease experience
decrease health
decrease mana
decrease stamina
drop all items
drop hold items end block
finish enemy
font testing
fov correction handcraft
hero teleport
highlight all hold attack
hold attack magic
hold attack melee
hold attack ranged
hold block
increase experience
increase health
increase mana
increase stamina ingame menu
journal jump
jump height
levels list
lock next target
lock previous target lock target
loot all
move backward
move forward
move left
move right
movie mode
next combat mode place map marker
point of interest access
point of interest leave
prepare attack magic
prepare attack melee
prepare attack ranged
profiling renderer quest log
quest log hide rewards
quest log show rewards
quick load
quick save
quickbar display more
reload fonts roll
rolling demo screenshot
selection wheel
show extra glow
show particles
show ssao
show weather skills
skin shader skip dialog speech
slow motion sneak
sprint start block
switch combat close
switch combat far
switch combat magic
switch sprint
test dream dungeon
time of day pause
time of day x1
time of day x10
time of day x50
toggle tone map trade
weapon spell
weather 1
weather 2
weather 3
weather 4
weather 5
weather 6
weather 7
weather 8
weather 9 zoom
Half of these "cheat codes" are in the control settings.
I know this is an obscure game and not really mod friendly, but is there some sort of developer mode with a console command, and list of codes for individual characters and items? We could use it for polish wiki, which is so full of information, except for the Arcania section.
I never use any codes, unless i got badly jammed by a bug etc which happens once in an age or so, so it's not my field of expertise, but, just recently, browsed through the forums to check if i'd left behind, on my last long-lasting play through, any of those collectibles scattered throughout the world. Thought i'd seen all sorts of codes for Arcania while looking for those item maps, and yes, google search says there's plenty of resources with this stuff of now, both in English and Russian (and any other language too, i assume). Not sure i'm able to pick the right ones for your purposes so you'd better see for yourself.
Пост автоматически объединён:
Yeah, these ones. Never came to thinking it wasn't enough though. I shouldn't spread false hopes here then, my apologies to the topic starter.
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