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7 days to die 7 Days to die: Ravenhearst


Редактор раздела
17 Дек 2011

Ravenhearst - Глобальная модификация на 7 days to die, серьезно изменяющая и дополняющая игру в сторону разнообразия и выживаемости. Новое оружие, зомби, боссы, высокоуровневые локации перки и сильно повышенная сложность основные аспекты данного мода

Основные изменения:
Изменённая и улучшенная система прокачки перков
Классы персонажа
Новые враги и их разнообразие(Мумии, тентакли. демоны(в том числе Альма)
Сильно увеличенное количество оружия как дальнего, так и ближнего боя
Новые предметы и крафты
Новые руды
Огромное количество новых POI
Более сложная выживаемость. Враги видят вас издалека, чаще наносят травмы и причиняют большие повреждения. Также уровень еды и воды, как и травмы/болезни больше не восстанавливаются при смерти
Увеличенное количество фурнитуры, станций объектов интеракций
Новые ИИ врагов, измененный интерфейс внутри игры
Увеличенный инвентарь
Больше лута - больше фана
Актуальная версия игры: Alpha 20

Рецензия: Этот мод по своей сути невероятно вкусная сборная солянка. Проходить рекомендуется исключительно на низкой сложности с опытом игры. Из-за сильно возросшей сложности игры вы проведете большую часть игры на "кортах", и с луком/вилами в руках, т.к любой сильный шум привлечет за собой зомби с ближайшего километра. Крайне рекомендую для тех кому в оригинале было слишком скучно и хочется больше контента.
8/10 Девочек Альм из Fear. Минус очко за то, что после того как вы научитесь крафтить патроны в промышленных масштабах, сложность игры резко снизится

З.ы Попробуйте ради фана сломать конечность в начале игры, смертью теперь перелом не залечить :D

Последнее редактирование:


Редактор раздела
17 Дек 2011
Мод обновлен до 8+ версии совместимой с актуальной(20+) альфой игры.
Ravenhearst 8


-Added Redbeards Active Ingredients
-Updated Spherecore
-Updated Take and Replace
-Added Riles UI
-Added Old Block Upgrades Modlet


-Added Biome Specific Ores
-Updated Bdubya Vehicles
-Merged Worm Items
-Added Yakovs Quality Code
-Added Yakovs Menu Music Code
-Stations Now Require Fuel
-Merged Food and Food Expanded Folders into One Folder Called ExpandedFood
-Fixed Incorrect Basic Quest Numbering
-Fixed Tool Slots in Forge and BS Forge
-Items should properly highlight if you have the materials to craft them
-Unlocks Should No Longer Null When Clicking Item Info
-ReAdded Action Skill System
-ReAdded Blunderbuss and Ammo
-Added Active Ingredients by Yakov
-Removed References to Plasma and Junk Batons
-Fixed Title and Description on Water Unit Quest
-Added Loading Screens
-Added Journal Tips and Localization
-Added Harvestable Lanterns and Flashlights
-Fixed Incorrect Repair Description on Compound Crossbow
-Fixed improper wording in High End Metal description
-Fixed Backpack and Luggage Models Floating When Placed
-Added Missing Weapons to Repair with Advanced Repair Kit (Bat, Kukri)
-Added Air Drop Zombies
-Added Removed Challenges
-Increased Zombie Spawning for Treasures
-Removed Unneeded Categories from Decor Table and Electric Table
-Added Decor Table


-Added Vaccination Clinic by MrJoseCuervo
-Added Meth Lab by MrJoseCuervo
-Added Apartments by MAlice
-Added New Calibers 5.56 and 45
-ReAdded Irrigation System Code by Yakov
-Updated RH Core
-Updated Sphere Core
-ReAdded Farm Plot Light Requirements
-Updated Farming Modlet to reflect irrigation and light changes
-Fixed Worm and Grub Harvest Insanity
-Added Dirty Bandages
-ReAdded Dinosaur Fossil
-Readded Carpets
-Adjusted Buffs on Broken and Sprained Arms and Concussions


-Added Yakovs Performance mod
-Added Blood Moon Lasts Until Dawn Modlet
-Added Ravenhearst Buffs
-Ember Piles can now set you on fire if stepped on
-Added Lore Notes
-Fixed Large Signed Storage and Secure Storage Sizes
-Fixed incorrect starting class quality numbers from 3 to 300
-Added Icons for All Class Books
-Added Spheres fixes for Linux. Damn you linux players!
-Added Video Options for RH by Yakov
-Removed set of our Stash Backpack buttons until they work. Vanilla only for now
-Updated Trader Tip
-Updated Ammo Press Tip
-Added New Calibers to Ammo Press
-Removed Unused Explosives Class References
-Added Telrics New Fishing


-Fixed Forge Tool Slots Not Appearing
-Aligned Crosshair Menu
-Added Bent Nails to More Wood Sources
-Lowered probabilities on grown RH crops in plots
-Added Better Fish Dishes to Master Chef Perks
-Added proper unlock info to White and Red Meats
-Removed Extra set of Stash Buttons
-Added Missing Icons for 45 Ammo
-Lowered Biscuit by 2 Food
-Removed Extra Mold


-Fixed Ammo Press Tools Not Showing
-Fixed Forge Tool Slots Not Showing
-Updated Active Ingredients by Yakov
-WFU has the correct recipe now
-Fixed Missing Icons for Scrap Axe andPickaxe
-ReAdded Hazmat Suits
-ReAdded Oil Refinery
-ReAdded Phone Quests
-ReAdded Armor Bench
-Added Sprains Modlet by 13erserk
-Updated Spherecore
-Removed PK/ZK Hud
-Added Trader Traps by evilraccoon
-Added Campsite Cave POI by evilraccoon
-Added Burnt Shell POI by evilraccoon


-ReEnabled XP Notification So It Works Properly With Settings
-Added Empty Pallet and Pallet Stacks
-Added Bowl to Ramen Recipe
-Air Drop Loot Lists Properly Named This fix will not work on existing air drops
-Wording Corrected on Living Off the Land Perk
-Capitalized L in Localization in Wellness Modlet Causing Linux Issues
-Fixed Sandwich Localization
-Fixed Incorrect number of meat in grilled pork and chicken recipes
-Dough Now Yields 3 Per Craft

-Removed The Following Foods
- Baguette
- Extra Steak Sandwich
- Cream Cheese
- Salmon Cream Cheese Sandwich
- Pork Cream Cheese Sandwich
- Pats Steak
- Ham and Cheese Sandwich
- Bagels
- Cream

-Increased Stats on All Smoker Foods
-Fixed Quality Numbers on Fishing Items
-Raised Stats on Tuna BLT
-Reduced Stats on Fish Tacos
-Massive Fixes and Changes to Fishing Table Areas
-Removed Buff From Milk
-Removed Milk and Butter from Trash


-Added Yakovs Fixes for Settings Not Being Saved Between restarts
-Added RH Lock Slots and Backpack Buttons Fixed and Saving Between Restarts by Yakov
-Fixed Knife Tool Not Showing in Food Prep Table
-Fixed Wood Master Not Giving Bent Nails
-Fixed Quest Item Warning Localization
-Lowered Probabilities on Male and Female animal Harvests
-Rabbits Now Give Red Meat
-Slightly Increased Bone Fragment Counts on Animals
-Removed Fuel Values From Our Weapons to Match Vanilla
-Fixed Nulling Windows for Coffeemaker, Microwave, Toaster, Stoves

-Complete redesign of farming with localization

No LOTL Perks

Normal Grow Time, 1 Seed, 1 Crop

Quicker Grow Time, 1 Seed, 2 Crops

LOTL Perks Descriptions should Now Be Correct

-Added Ravenhearst Sounds For Future HookUp
-Fixed Redundant Mixed Veggies Recipes


-Added New POI War Memorial by evilraccoon
-Added Schematics That Were Missing From Journal Quest Completed
-Fixed Missing Trader Loading Tip
-Added 0 Nail Harvest to Zombie Barricade
-Added Blue Rad Smoke to T5 Vanilla Pois. Some May Be Missed
-Added Yakovs Fixed Up and Updated Wellness Modlet
-Updated Spherecore
-Added BepinEX Files
-Removed Unneeded Menu Music Folder
-Updated Hazmat Suits to Work with Biome Radiation
-Updated Radiation to work in Wasteland
-Added Sinders Fixes for Vanilla POIs
-Fixed Localization on Snowballs
-Fixed Backpack Size Overlapping Forges
-Fixed Cutting Fish Requiring Food Prep Table
-Fixed Localization On Cobblestone Shape
-Adjusted Durability on Primitive Tools
-Removed Archery Mod
-Added Ammo Disassembly to the Ammunition Press
-Added Unlock Option to Gothic Statue Block
-Removed Building Tab from BS Forge
-Fixed Industrial Nailgun Using Bricks
-Fixed Lathe Recipes Not Showing
-Mining Machine Has Been Completely Overhauled
-Added Lockpick Model
-Added Combine Window
-Added Various XML to Ravenhearst_DLLXMLS
-Added OCB Map Waypoint Modlet. Adds More Icons
-Changed Recipe for Bacon and Eggs
-Removed Corn Grits
-Removed Iced Coffee
-Added Splash Screen Enhancement by Redbeard
-Added Optimized Mining Machine and Smitty Doors Assets by Yakov and Redbeard
-Added More Options for Zombie Max
-Added 20 Hr Option for Daylight


-Fixed Unlocks For Tungsten and Chrome Arrows
-Rewrote Classes For Pipe Weapons
-5 Points Given at Start of Class
-10 Points Given Upon Completion pf Class
-Increased XP Given at End of Class
-Increased Coins Given at End of Class
-Arrow Shafts and Heads Reinstated
-Backpack Perks Now Located Under Survival Action Skill
-Fixed Localization on Willy Jeep Schematic
-Added Nails to New Building Upgrades
-Added Screws to Metal Building Shapes and Frames
-Scrap Tools Now Given to Building Classes
-Radiation Tooltips Updated
-BepinEx Folders Reorganized


-Updated to Exp 20.1b5
-Updated RH Core
-Updated Spherecore
-Balance of KP and Ink in desks/filing cabinets
-Gun Part Crafting Added to Lathe
-Removed Empty Crafting Groups from Tanning Rack, Food Prep Table, WFU and Farm Table
-Added more Food Amount to Grilled Potato and Mashed Potato
-Added Redbeards Last Words Modlet
-Added New Menu Courtesy Redbeard and Yakov
-Added Yakovs 4x4 Irrigation Pipe
-Updated Loot and Recipes to reflect 20.1 changes
-Added Yakov Fixes for Wellness
-Added RH Credits Screen to Menu by Redbeard and Yakov
-Acid and Seed Packs Increased
-Fixed Localization on Automatics Quest
-Changed Description on Art of Mining Pallets
-Lowered Prob on Ink and KP
-Localization Fix for Radiation Buff
-Broken Lanterns No Longer Drop Working Ones
-Added Mean Clouds Cannabis System
-Updated Bad Medicine Modlet
-Added NPC raiders, Soldiers and Spiders. Going to need MASSIVE feedback on these


-Updated to Stable 20.1b6
-Added Trader Rekt POI by evilracc0on
-Added zt Functional Elevator
-Added Trader Joel POI by evilracc0on
-Butter Craft Now Yields 2
-Fried Egg Craft Now Yields 2
-Fox Meat Harvests Fixed
-Spider Harvests Fixed
-Bong Now Crafted in Forge Properly
-ReAdded Our Old Trader Balances Modlet for item removals, reset intervals etc
-Removed Bundles
-Reworked Perk Books
-All Containers Now Have a Chance to be Empty
-Updated Wellness
-Updated Perma Death
-Updated Sphere Core
-Added Yakovs Survival Journal End Quest Line
-Cheese now Yields 3
-Meatball Sub now subtracts 18 Water, 12 Stam and adds 65 Health
-Added Vinegar to Loot and missing recipe
-Updated Compost Quest to Proper Amounts and recipes
-Integrated BepinEx Mods Into Mods Folder
-Male Rabbits No Longer Drop Both Male and Female Babies
-Removed Writable Storage from PWB
-Lever Rifle Ammo Type Fixed
-Mixed Veggies Now Made in Food Prep Table
-Grilled Mushroom and Corn now Give 10 Food
-Added Yakovs Balances for Bandit and Zombie Spawning


-Updated to a20.2b2 Stable
-Corn Chips Now Gives 7 Food
-Updated RH Core
-Updated Xyth NPC
-Updated Raiders and Bandits
-Fixed Nulling Air Drops Due to Cop Model
-Fixed Zombie Hands
-Redid Bandit Spawning
-Removed Nuke Bandit
-Hazmat Suit Now an Armor Slot
-Blood Moons Should Now Last All Night
-Loot Templates Rebalanced for Gun Parts
-Added Fixed Trader Rekt POI by evilraco0n
-Added ZZTongs MANY POI Modlet
-Added All Rh POIs
-Added Night Terrors fixed by Yakov
-Fixed Nulling Tiered zombie Spawns
-ReAdded Writeable Storage
-Fixed Bundle Quality
-Fixed LOTL Localization Unlock For Salad
-Buckets Now Need Filtrated
-Increased Price of Hazmat Suits


-Fixed Trader Tip
-Added Fixed Trader Pois
-Added Yakovs Fixes for Trader Buried Supplies
-Added Redbeards Adjustments for writeTo
-Added Yakovs Zombie Spawning Balances
-Added Yakovs Fixes for Core and Biome Scaling
-Added Wellness Tweaks


-Removed Door Frame Block When Picking Up Barricades
-Reduced Zombie Spawns
-Gently Placed Trader Rekt to the side
-Nerd Poling Fixed
-Quest Craft Warning Sound Now Plays


-Updated to 20.3b3
-Removed Throw from Spears. Added Power Attack
-Added Destroy AS XP to Mining and Construction
-Removed Scrap Knife from Blade Quest
-Fried Eggs Now Made in Survival Campfire
-Added Javelin for Throwing
-Removed Craft Timer Bonus From Brick Mold
-Bacon and Eggs Now Gives 1 Wellness
-Vitamin Duration Extended
-Arrow and Bolt Ammo Reverted Back to Original
-Archery Crafting Progression Fixed to Reflect Removal of Archery Modlet
-Fixed Name of Telescopic Baton
-Increased Gun Parts in Loot
-Guns can no longer be looted over 100 Q. They must be crafted
-Complete loot quality overhaul. Should find much less higher tiers
-Added Medical Items to Vending
-Scrap Tools Can Now Be Found In Loot Iron and Steel Tools Moved Up a Tier in Loot
-Adjusted Spawns for End Tier Quest
-Removed Fishing
-Extended Descriptions for Fortitude and Agility
-Dysentery Now Triggers Instantly
-Updated NPC Core
-Removed Spear Books
-Rebalanced Ink in Loot
-Fixed Descriptions on Agility and Fortitude
-Hobo Stew and Sham Chowder Now Made in Stoves
-Vinegar Schematic Name Fixed
-Death XP Penalty Can Not Exceed 75 Percent (3 Deaths)
-First Aid Storage Size Reduced
-Backpack Storage Size Increased
-Added Dunkin Donuts By RiahRex
-Added Localization For NPC Buttons
-Adjusted Costs to Hire NPCs
-Fix Textures for Mining Machine
-Increased Timers on Mining Machine
-2 Turrets Can Now Be Placed with Magazine Unlocks
-PWB Now Takes 5 Seconds to Pick Up
-Lowered Surface Ores
-Complete Rebalance of Loot Quality
-Fixed Trader Quality Issue
-Added Heatmap Values to RH Stations
-Added Bent Nails to the Following
Picnic Table
Pool Tables
End Tables

-Added Smoke and Crates to New T5's
-Added Museum Artifacts Found in T5 Crates
-Added Multiple Firearms Loot Only to T5 Crates
-Added Multiple Melee Weapons Found in T5 Crates Only
-Added Boat
-Added Hang Glider
-Added Helicopter Found in T5 Crates Only
-Added Armored SUV Found in T5 Crates Only
-Added Coal to Snow Biome
-Moved Aluminum to Wasteland
-Fixed Radiation and Hazmat Issues For Damage
-ReAdded Irrigation Pipe Recipes
-Final Backpack Recipe Should Now Unlock All Slots
-Removed Mod Slots from Hazmat


-Updated Version Number
-Storage Now Works in Drone
-Guns Can Now be Crafted to 1000


-Lowered XP Needed to Level Most Action Skills. Levelling Them should be slightly Quicker.
-Removed NPC Zombie
-Lowered Spawn Probabilities on All NPCS
-Removed Beaker From Rain Catcher Recipe
-Added Multiple POI Vanilla Edits For Billboards by Evilracc0on
-Fixed All Weapon and Tool Perk 4 and 5 Crafting Unlocks
-Increased Health on Night Terrors
-Moved Night Terrors in Desert/Snow/Forest to Post GS 100
-Moved Night Terrors in Wasteland to GS 25
-Increased Acid in Loot
-Added Pallets for Feathers, Hides, Sticks, Twine
-Increased Price on Old Stoves
-Jerky Quest Now Gather
-Increased Amount of Tarps in Loot
-Fixed Null on Javelin
-Removed Hunter Trap 1 Causing Nulls
-Added Javelin and Pitchforks to Javelin Quest
-Fixed Improper Meat To Hire Wolf Loot Quality Fixes Again
-Increased Health On White Picket Fences


-Removed Mentions of Fishing
-Wellness Stat Loss Now a 1 from injury
-Stamina Regen bottoms out at 1 per regen per sec at 0 Water instead of No Regen
-Adjusted Stats on All Scrap Tools
-Scrap Knife Now Unlocked via Huntsman Perks Level 1
-Adjusted Recipe for Pitchforks
-Slightly Increased Animal Fat
-Fixed Rain Collector Quest
-Added Tarp to Rain Collector Craft
-Impact Driver Can Now Repair and Upgrade Blocks
-Crowbar and Claw Hammer Will Now Reduce Take and Replace Timer


-Grumsticks Now Scrap to Plastic
-Stoves and Ovens Now Craftable Broken
-Named the Stove and Wood Burning Stove Kits Properly
-All Stoves Should Be Upgradeable


-Lowered Prob for Tiered Zombies
-Added Delay Between Enemy Animal Spawns
-Fixed Javelin Unlocks
-Added Animal Fat To Human Corpses
-Iced Tea Increased to 50 Water
-Iced Tea Now Uses Dried Leaves
-Iced Tea Now Uses Boiled Water
-Animal Fat Added To Rabbits Chickens and Zombie Bears
-Increased XP Gain and All Bears
-Moved Frame Shapes to Benches
-Increased Cost of Reinforced Scrap Frame
-Lowered Bone Fragments in Animals
-Lowered Bone Fragments on Gore
-Tree Sap Can Be Used to Make Glue in Chem Station


-Javelin Attack Added
-Removed Unused Bow From Quest Line
-Added Redbeards Loading Screen Tweaks
-Removed Butcher
-Fixed Hazmat Pants Switch Out Issue
-Fixed Hazmat Gear Quality Number Issue
-Upped Probability for Novels
-Lowered Chance for Perk Books


-Added Redbeards No Delay on Inventory Open
-Fixed Repair Kit Requirements on New Weapons
-Increased Durability on Javelin


-Oil Refinery Timer Fix
-Fixed T5 Loot
-Increased Chance of Research Desk Schematic in T5 Loot
-Armor and Hazmat Fixes


-POI Tag and Size Fixes 1


-Added Several More Pois
-Fixed Fertilized Seeds. Should Now Be Much Faster
-Fixed Wrong Irrigation Pipe Material
-Added Irrigation Pipe Unlocks to LOTL5
-Vinegar can now be Unlocked
-Linux Files Added
-Added Rembomys Medical Kit


-Added Rembomy linux bepinex fix
-Legendary guns can now craft to 100
-Rocket launcher now will level when you buy the demo perk
-Restored missing vehicle parts to recipes
-Added crusts to meat and beer and mushroom pies
-Wood burn stove now acts like a survival campfire
-Renamed purchasable and craftable stoves
-Renamed modern stove repair kit
-Removed bow parts from loot
-Removed machete parts from loot
-Fixed negative stamina values on BLT
-Crossbow repeater now unlocks on ranger book completion
-Fixed steel and iron knuckles unlocks and naming
-Removed alternate microwave model forcing quest to not complete
-Added more description to the class completion text
-Increased XP on Terrors
-Increased Loot Prob on Terrors
-Added Mortar to Building Repairs
-Fixed Screws Icon
-Added RH Pois Thanks to Constip Fox and Romper


Редактор раздела
17 Дек 2011
Мод обновили до 8.5 версии. Основные изменения это с десяток новых модов прикрутили, полсотни новых POI и обновили систему фермерства как в моде Oblivion

-Updated Sphercore, NPC Pack, RH Core, Speed Splash and Menu (Sphere, Xyth, Yakov, Redbeard)
-Added 5 percent chance of Dysentery to raw eggs (Yakov)
-Removed infection cures from bandages (Yakov)
-Bandit Ai and Tasks Updated for Optimizations
-Added Recycler that takes metallic items. Drag and drop into them to break down into units. Can be found in Gas Stations, factories and workshops.
-Fixed Lighting on Tanning Rack and Rain Collectors (Yakov)
-Added Dented Cans of food that run the risk of dysentery
-Lessened Small Stone in the World
-Lessened Short Grass in the World
-Increased Tall Grass in the World
-Reduced Count on Air Drop Loot
-Reduced Count of Shapes Loot in Air Drops
-Increased Fog in World Slightly
-Darker Nights and Insides Added
-Added Drawbridges by Arramus and Oakraven. Find other modlets and the entire overhaul Oakraven here: Oakraven Forest Collection mod for 7 Days To Die (A20) Oakraven Forest Collection
-Added multitiered feral vanilla zombies
-Added hand picked Robleto Zombies to all spawns
-Added OCB Mod Stop Fuel Waste GitHub - OCB7D2D/OcbStopFuelWaste: OCB Stop Fuel Waste Mod - 7 Days to Die (A20) Addon
-Added New Irrigation System
-Added Hydroponic Underground Farming by Arramus and Oakraven. Find other modlets and the entire overhaul Oakraven here: Oakraven Forest Collection mod for 7 Days To Die (A20) Oakraven Forest Collection
-Added Fish Farms and Oven by Arramus and Oakraven. Find other modlets and the entire overhaul Oakraven here: Oakraven Forest Collection mod for 7 Days To Die (A20) Oakraven Forest Collection
-Added Mega Storage that is writable by Arramus and Oakraven. Find other modlets and the entire overhaul Oakraven here: Oakraven Forest Collection mod for 7 Days To Die (A20) Oakraven Forest Collection
-Added new models for Chicken Coops by Arramus and Oakraven. Find other modlets and the entire overhaul Oakraven here: Oakraven Forest Collection mod for 7 Days To Die (A20) Oakraven Forest Collection

-Added the following POIS edited and resized by romper and Constip. NEEDS TESTED TO ENSURE QUESTS WORK AND SPAWNS CORRECTLY


-Fixed stats on soda can
-Fixed incorrect repair kit info on Steel Bat
-Added Fine Arrow Shafts crafted from plastic. They are used in steel and exploding and flaming arrows and bolts.
-Reduced weight on recipes and books for less KP per scrap
-Fixed incorrect unlock info on Javelin
-Health Drink now craftable in Stove
-Lowered chances of pots and grills in loot
-Fixed Junk Turret not giving XP to Electric Weapons
-Tools/Melee/Armor now loot to 299 Only
-Fixed Quality Issues on Hazmat Suits
-Added Expanded Deco Modlet to Decor Bench by Vedui Expanded Decorative Blocks Vedui42
-Added Over 150 Storage Option to Decor Bench by Twunec Additional Storage - A20
-Increased Zombie Spawns and respawn timers worldwide
-Lowered yield on berry bushes
-Created New Zombie Bleed Buff. Vanilla Bleeds are 20 secs on first hit, 20 on additional. New Buff is 10 Seconds on 1st hit, 5 on additional.
-Added Lighted and Normal Drawbridges and Walk Ways in multiple sizes and lengths by Arramus and Oakraven. Find other modlets and the entire overhaul Oakraven here: Oakraven Forest Collection mod for 7 Days To Die (A20) Oakraven Forest Collection
-Replaced all Burning Blue Flames in Tier 5 Radiated POIs with Yellow Fires
-Updated BepinEx
-Added H7SB Seats H7SB Seats
-Added H7SB Fishing H7SB Fishing
-Added H7SB Carts H7SB Carts
-Added Show Quest POI ShowQuestPoi
-Added Show Reaming Clear Area Show Remaining Clear Areas
-Added the ability to pick locked doors
-Pruned loot in Minister House
-Added Recycler and Ammo Bench to Minister House
-Changed Animal Breeding. Now you must acquire Snake Poison from snakes to make Tranquilizer Darts. Darts are used in Bows only (not crossbows). Hit the chicken or rabbit with a tranq, chase them down and punch them until they fall over. Use a Chicken Cage or Rabbit Cage on the body and you receive 1 chicken or rabbit. 2 of each are required for breeding.
-Changed Composting. Now the composter is a station. Food, organic materials and Crops can be put into the composter to make units of compost. Units of compost are used to craft Fertilizer and other items.
-Recycler now works like composter. Place proper items in the chute grid and it will recycle the materials to be made into brass, lead etc
-Re-Added Rebar Frame crafting to Blacksmith Forge
-Open grills can now be used to cook food in the world.
-Charcoal can now be crafted in Open Grills
-Water Filtration Unit recipes now use Charcoal.
-Added Composters to Farms
-Added Recyclers to Factories and Recyclers and Hauliers and Gas Stations
-Added Auto Bench Helper to Auto Stores and select Gas Stations
-Removed the need to craft chapters for the Journal. Replaced by a tape recorder with quests in it to purchase for 1 Duke. This will allow those who need to reacquire quests to do so instead of losing them forever.
-Added Select Creatures from Oblivion Mods (pipermcleod) Monster Pack 1 for NPCCore
-Increased Durability on Primitive Stone Tools and Weapons
-Added Tarps to Harvest on Tarp Pallets and Fences
-Lessened Berry Bushes and Wells in the world
-Removed Treasure Artifacts
-Added Redbeards fixes for Composter and Recycler Timers on Servers
Сверху Снизу