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Результаты поиска

  1. DavideMiragliaP

    Gothic Evolution E.E. - An immersive, revolutionary G1 photography project

    THE CURSED EXPEDITION Time taken: more or less 2,30 hours Description: Angar did send some of his templars to an orc cave that was "suggested" by the Sleeper during the Great Invocation. Almost everyone is near the entrance, but something shady moves in the darkness. Something is going to...
  2. DavideMiragliaP

    Gothic Evolution E.E. - An immersive, revolutionary G1 photography project

    SLEEPING SOULS OF FREEDOM Time taken: I don't remember, around 3 hours Description: An exclusive religious function inside of the Sect Temple. In-game, the temple was always almost empty. Notes: - The fat guy near the camera and the other one on the left are washing their head with some...
  3. DavideMiragliaP

    Gothic Evolution E.E. - An immersive, revolutionary G1 photography project

    THE TEST OF (un)FAITH I did already upload the picture in the first topic's post. Here you can only find the Youtube Enhanced Edition link. Time taken: nearly 3,45/4 hours!! Description: This is a scene which is not visible in-game. But it really happens. The Nameless Hero did bring the...
  4. DavideMiragliaP

    Gothic Evolution E.E. - An immersive, revolutionary G1 photography project

    EXCALIBUR GOTHICA GOTHIC EVOLUTION ENHANCED EDITION LINK AVAILABLE SOON Time taken: More or less 2,30 hours Description: The hero grabs the iconic Old Sword while his savior is watching him. In the meantime, an Old Camp convoy from the marketplace is...
  5. DavideMiragliaP

    Gothic Evolution E.E. - An immersive, revolutionary G1 photography project

    THE GREAT SECRET OF THE BROTHERHOOD Time taken: more or less 3 hours Description: The Nameless Hero decided to join the Gang and he is ready for his first task. Notes: - The hero doesn't wear the thief armor because it's not ready yet: realistically talking, it might take some time before...
  6. DavideMiragliaP

    Gothic Evolution E.E. - An immersive, revolutionary G1 photography project

    @firedragon So, apparently it's a common thing in the Russian forums to manipulate animations and create those screenshots (I'm talking about the contests). That makes me sad, because I did always think I did something special, but it wasn't special at all. It's still a good hobby though. I...
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