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Результаты поиска

  1. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    I have tried it copying "pickLockScramble=30" under [Game] in Gothic.ini and it didn't work in game. No change. So Union should add this feature into Gothic 1.
  2. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Max value should be 20 as there is no chest with more than 20 combinations. But does this options also work with Gothic 1? If not, team Union should implement it.
  3. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    I have a new request to add a good feature from Gothic 2 into Gothic 1. GAME.pickLockScramble https://forum.worldofplayers.de/forum/threads/94450-Gothic-ini-und-pickLockScramble-%28Gothic-II%29?p=1686636&viewfull=1#post1686636 This function adds possibility to randomly change the key lock...
  4. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Thanks, this is the only method that really works. Method 2 works too, but cause a new bug that prevents the player to talk with NPCs that have a smalltalk. Method 3 don't work for me.
  5. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Thanks for your help! But this ladder problem got introduced in a current Union version? Older versions are okay? Maybe there was a change that cause this bug? As more Union will grow in complexity, as more there's a chance something will break.
  6. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Wow, thank you so much!! I will try this next days. Do I only need to change one of these 3 methods or is it better to do all of them? In which file are these changes?
  7. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Why is it still not fixed? Even the G1CP script patch didn't have it fixed. This bug is really annoying. I noticed when you just stand around without moving, the smalltalk is correct, but when you move you will only hear everything interrupted. The problem is these SMVs got trimmed or broken...
  8. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Can Union update the Miles Sound System? http://www.radgametools.com/msshist.htm I think the old files may cause these interrupted SMVs when the hero is moving next to a NPCs smalltalk.
  9. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Isn't it possible to use the latest version of binkw32.dll into Union?
  10. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Get the latest msvcr100.dll ver. 10.0.40219.473 from here: http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/E/0/EE05C9EF-A661-4D9E-BCE2-6961ECDF087F/vcredist_x86.exe http://download.microsoft.com/download/E/E/0/EE05C9EF-A661-4D9E-BCE2-6961ECDF087F/vcredist_x64.exe This version is even later than the...
  11. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Can you upload a crash dump? This may help the devs to fix it.
  12. Gothic ½ Сказание о потерянном управлении (флудильня)

    *facepalm* What do these players want? To transform Gothic into a dull casual AAA mainstream blockbuster game that plays as simple as possible by taking away every feature that forces players to think, work, explore and play the game? Why not let them watch a Gothic movie??
  13. Gothic ½ Сказание о потерянном управлении (флудильня)

    You also have set HideFocus = 1 as a new standard configuration. But I hate that, because it will take away an immersive feature from the player: the possibility to explore dead bodies. I think a hidden focus will automatically reveal "here is nothing to grab!" But it's better when you let the...
  14. Gothic ½ Сказание о потерянном управлении (флудильня)

    Please don't understand me wrong. I have no prblem when Systempack makes G2 controls as default for G1 as long I can restore original G1 controls with a simple ini edit. I just prefer when it would be the opposite. Let G1 as it was always designed and everyone who prefer G2 controls can use the...
  15. Gothic ½ Сказание о потерянном управлении (флудильня)

    This is absolutely true. The mouse is what makes the controls broken and frustrating for new players, because they automatically think every game must be played with mouse. So they will touch the mouse but Gothic was never really optimized for it and they will run into issues. Blocking the mouse...
  16. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Thank you for integrating OcclusionCulling.patch into SystemPack.ini I have now another request for Gothic 2 NotR: Is it possible to have different zones for brightness? I want to have the underground locations in the Adanos Temple and other temples and caves a lot darker but without the...
  17. Gothic ½ Сказание о потерянном управлении (флудильня)

    Whaat?? Haha, I am constructive and YOU act as a child! YOU say to me: 1. What are you doing in this forum? 2. What are you doing in this topic? 3. Why are you installing Systempack or Union? Just because I have other opinion than you. This is not constructive, this is defaming. And Gothic is...
  18. Gothic ½ Сказание о потерянном управлении (флудильня)

    Why is that stupid? You decide what is stupid or what? After all you wrote I would say you are stupid. Resource Manager is the source to get all the medicine to play Gothic. It has a lot plugins included, even less neccessary. Why should those two of the very important patches not be there...
  19. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    No, please do not implement G2 controls option into the G1 main menu. Gothic 2 shouldn't be mentioned in Gothic 1. You could re-name this option like "Simplified Controls" and "Original Controls" but it's better to let this option hidden into the ini. I have no problem to make my own ini with...
  20. Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Yes, everyone can simply switch between G1/G2 controls by the ini option. Everyone who prefer G2 controls just had to set the option to 1. So I don't understand what was the problem for these people? Why they want having this step by default and now people who don't like when G1 feels different...
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