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Результаты поиска

  1. ThielHater

    Gothic ½ Humans-ремастер

    I am very happy to see, that you finally released your project for Gothic 1 but I have problems compiling/converting the data. Would you mind releasing it as a VDF or MOD file?
  2. ThielHater

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Thanks, that worked. :) It was not easy to read the Russian documentation with machine translation. Translating the thread was the first step. I hope that Union will continue to spread as soon as the documentation is available in English and not just remain a "secret" of the Russian community.
  3. ThielHater

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Sorry but I can't confirm that. :confused: A great feature of Union is that all engine classes are declared and their functions can be called. I know that the memory addresses differ for the Spacer, that's what I meant with "I don't need full support of engine classes".
  4. ThielHater

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    I would like to write a plugin for G1 Spacer but it's not loaded. Apparently plugins are loaded regardless of the target they were compiled for (G1, G2A, etc). So I guess Union instead checks the CRC32 hash of the executable and will only act if that hash is known. Do you have plans to add...
  5. ThielHater

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    To me, this is unexpected behavior from Union. I have worked with Detours before and made mistakes but never something like this happened. It would be great if the documentation would be available in English. *right* What is the preferred way of writing to the Union console? To best of my...
  6. ThielHater

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    That finally solved my problem! Thanks a lot. *Friendship* I have to admit that it was my fault but maybe you could make Union give out a warning or something?
  7. ThielHater

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Oh, I should have known that. I fixed it and built the project with VS2010 but the result is still the same (vs2010 · ThielHater/GRMFixes_Union@73996df).
  8. ThielHater

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Okay, I will give Visual Studio 2010 a try. ;) I already linked my repo, here is a more specific link to the hook functions: ThielHater/GRMFixes_Union
  9. ThielHater

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    I wanted to port GRMFixes to Union but get an access violation and have no idea how to fix it. Could you please help me? Source Code: ThielHater/GRMFixes_Union It seems like for some reason my hook functions are executed. :confused: Besides that I have the problem that I can't debug because...
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