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  1. Готика 3 Conquest Mod - Завоевание, Сборка модов "Union".

    only requests to remove, bonuses can stay for achievements. only I don't know about modding, that's why I wrote you a proposal to add LTM version without tasks
  2. Готика 3 Conquest Mod - Завоевание, Сборка модов "Union".

    Those items from the LTM quests that wouldn't be on the list like the spear from the bum who brings him alcohol, or the hat from the quest sick mother etc. Normally add these items for merchants liberated cities
  3. Универсальная Сборка Модов UNION+ v1.4.6

    P Conquest/LTM/CM need a balance of items and weapons, especially 2h weapons are still the worst choice in the game, they have short range and high requirements. Spears should definitely be buffed Same with Axes, one-handed weapons are way too strong. There is some bug with Beliar's Claw is...
  4. Готика 3 Conquest Mod - Завоевание, Сборка модов "Union".

    Can you do an LTM version without quests in the future? A lot of people ask on Polish discord. LTM nicely completes the world with new items / monsters, but these quests are a tragedy...
  5. Готика 3 Conquest Mod - Завоевание, Сборка модов "Union".

    if I only mark Main and Conquest without CM and QP in mds, it should work without a problem right? Main has LTM items? or Can you make LTM versions without quests?
  6. Готика 3 Контент мод v3.1 / Content Mod v3.1

    mood is playable without LTM and QP? I don't like these stupid, pointless quests as if they weren't in G3
  7. Готика 3 Balance Ultimate v2.2.1

    fix this mage in the next build! he's too weak early in the game, you've nerfed the fireballs/ice lance/thunderbolt and firewaves too much. Boost those spells and nerf AOE... those earlier magic is not playable with your mod. What kind of Mage is this if he doesn't deal any damage until he...
  8. Готика 3 Lively Towns Mod - Оживленные города

    Wa version without quests from recaptured cities would be perfect. add only those items that you get as a reward from these quests for merchants, e.g. the recipe for the quest with the sick mother give the recipe to the alchemist . e.t.c.
  9. Готика 3 Lively Towns Mod - Оживленные города

    nteresting modification, but quest rewards are a joke, they should rewrok. Modifications. A lot of unnecessary tasks that make the game boring, such as bring 6x plants for the guest in a row, Or some alcoholic we bring him 6x in a row tons of alcohol that I give us spears , the worst tasks are...
  10. Готика 3 Conquest Mod - Завоевание, Сборка модов "Union".

    Get the stealing system reworked because it's a joke to make me reload a save 5 times in a row because I can't steal a carrot from a normal guy with mastersteal perk. Stealing is needed in LTM /CQ and Thiefquest. There should be a 100% chance of looting Vanilla items, and should not be counted...
  11. Универсальная Сборка Модов UNION+ v1.4.6

    can often pick up X2 items on dead bodies common problem
  12. Готика 3 Balance Ultimate v2.2.1

    Z two-handed weapons need a buff to increase range and dmg for all weapons, 2H is still the worst choice in the game. axes have a lower range than one-handed weapons spears have high requirements and low dmg. mage starting skills should be buffed like fireball or lightning and flame wave. too...
  13. Готика 3 Balance Ultimate v2.2.1

    you messed up the mage terribly in this mod, and 2H on hard is completely ussles, 1h shieldbearer two swords away are the best. This mod needs more balance, I wouldn't call it Ultimate. Fire wave now only works on beetles and you broke the spell too. Why now everything costs hunting...
  14. Универсальная Сборка Модов UNION+ v1.4.6

    where are all the CM items now in the selections in the conversation with Milten from the previous games? my Diary. one-handed and two-handed paladin sword, Dragon Hunter armor and Robe, Uriziel and Rune with INT + 15 ?
  15. Готика 3 Лучшая Сборка Модов, версия для упрощённой установки

    Content Mod v3.1 light + Questpacket v4 Update 2 Is there a Version without the new Hero Face/Head? a lot of people ask us about versions of these two combined mods without the new hero look.
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