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  1. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    Ciao, vuoi cercare la domanda spaventosa a pagina 4 ? https://www.mediafire.com/file/nx88e6tp5ew4yhj/Setarrif_Armors_%2528Npcs%2529.zip/file https://www.mediafire.com/file/j9scmkm2giy60ri/Setarrif_Barbute_and_Stewark_Helmet_%2528Npcs%2529.zip/file Inside these files there were two helmets for...
  2. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    Is it possible to NOT replace the Paladin armor from Gothic 2 with this new one on Javier ? Can you add the new armor as standlone or just give it to very few paladins ? This way it would have more varied paladins without removing the armors from Gothic 2
  3. Готика 3 World Texture Mix v3.2

    A thing that would really change the poor aspect of Gothic 3 is replacing those ugly textures for all the buildings with the ones from Gothic 2 and Archolos , making the game a true continuation of the previous ones The Kingdom of Myrtana in terms of building textures and models looks very...
  4. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    It would be nice to have both variant of the armors available , the ones with vanilla Arcania textures with the “Eagle” heraldry (which maybe could be a symbol of Innos, and as such worn by some of the most faithful paladins) And the new ones made by DreamGothic with the vanilla Gothic 2-3...
  5. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    Extra argument : Some Skyrim outfits could fit very well in Nordmar maybe Actually if you like there are dozens of clothes , faces and armors from Kroniki Myrtany and previous Gothic 1 and 2 that would be nice if added and adapt somewhat in Gothic 3 maybe you like some of these concepts ...
  6. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    Some ideas for future versions: what about removing the crown and the mantle from the King Armor making them separate pieces ? I always thought this armor from the crappy addon was good but too limited because of the helmet and the mantle :( Arcania has lots of clothes , hats and pretty...
  7. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    Wait a Horse has been added into the game? Could it be possible to add some animations for riding and fighting on horseback for both Hero and NPCs ? What about using the vanilla “sitting” animation for staying on horseback and vanilla fighting animations for combat on horseback ? Who cares if...
  8. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    I have found these concept images of a mod that has never been released unfortunately , the mod was called “Lorn’s New Armors” In the images it looks like the modder used model armors from Arcania for paladins mixed with old Paladin open helmet from Content Mod 2.6 , with the heraldry of...
  9. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    I have tried to put the new paladin armors on some paladins and man they look amazing! The helmets don't fit very well for npcs heads though Paladin variation of armors look pretty unique to all of them as much as medieval knights would have looked like It would be awesome if some new npcs...
  10. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    I have also the Fire Mage armor from Arcania , it replaces vanilla fire mage robes You can use in your mod if you want :) Link Download : Battlemage Armor Here there is also Myrtanian Leather Archer Armor from Arcania , it replaces rebel light armors You can use this too in your mod...
  11. Готика 3 Knight Chronicle (бывший ARP)

    Hello Tup4n and all of you, I am a Youtuber that is doing a Gothic 3 Tv Series , here is my channel if you are interested : I have a mod that replaces mercenary armors and two helmets from Content Mod 3.1 with Setarrif armors and helmets (also for NPCs heads) from Arcania , here you can...
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