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- 22 Июн 2017
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- #1
Этот мод восстанавливает первую версию головы ГГ в Risen на PC, полученную путём порта с Xbox360 на PC, т.к нигде не были найдены более старые версии игры, пришлось делать порт, но не в одиночку, помог с портом текстур NicoDE с форума worldofplayers.de, а модели головы я просто взял c Xbox360 оригинальные, все подошли для PC, вышло в общем-то неплохо, вот только качество текстур не очень, т.к на Xbox360 версии их сжали по - минимуму и их размер стал в 256 x 256, а на PC же все текстуры в оригинальном размере в 1024 x 1024.
Мод подходит для всех версий озвучек игры, всем удачи, наслаждайтесь модом!
Данный мод был обновлён в плане текстур!
Ссылки для скачивания - Update 2 - Enhanced Textures in 1024 x 1024 (Better than first).rar - 14.5 MB
Update - Enhanced Textures in 1024 x 1024.rar - 4.1 MB
Deleted from release Risen - hero head (ported from Xbox360 to PC).zip - 219 KB
This mod restores the first version of hero head in Risen on PC, received by the port with the Xbox360 on the PC, because it was nowhere to be found an older version of the game, had to do the port, but not alone of course, helped with the port of textures NicoDE from forum worldofplayers.de and I just took the head models from the original Xbox360 files of game and all perfect suitable for PC, came up quite good, but the texture quality is not very good, because it is on Xbox360 version they squeezed to a minimum and their size was 256 x 256, and the PC all the textures in original size to 1024 x 1024.
The mod is suitable for all game voice actings versions, good luck to everyone, enjoy the mod!
This mod has been updated in plan of textures!
Мод подходит для всех версий озвучек игры, всем удачи, наслаждайтесь модом!
Данный мод был обновлён в плане текстур!
Ссылки для скачивания - Update 2 - Enhanced Textures in 1024 x 1024 (Better than first).rar - 14.5 MB
Update - Enhanced Textures in 1024 x 1024.rar - 4.1 MB
Deleted from release Risen - hero head (ported from Xbox360 to PC).zip - 219 KB
This mod restores the first version of hero head in Risen on PC, received by the port with the Xbox360 on the PC, because it was nowhere to be found an older version of the game, had to do the port, but not alone of course, helped with the port of textures NicoDE from forum worldofplayers.de and I just took the head models from the original Xbox360 files of game and all perfect suitable for PC, came up quite good, but the texture quality is not very good, because it is on Xbox360 version they squeezed to a minimum and their size was 256 x 256, and the PC all the textures in original size to 1024 x 1024.
The mod is suitable for all game voice actings versions, good luck to everyone, enjoy the mod!
This mod has been updated in plan of textures!
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