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Gothic Evolution E.E. - An immersive, revolutionary G1 photography project


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Enhanced Edition
by Davide Miraglia, an Italian Gothic fan(atic)
Hi to the Eastern European Gothic fans (I guess most Gothic fans are from here)!
I'm Davide Miraglia, I'm from Italy and I'm an expert Gothic 1 animation manipulator. I can't speak/read Russian, sigh!

Nearly one year ago, on a Western European forum I did found Gothic Evolution, an innovative & unique Gothic 1.8j photography project where - with the only help of the Marvin Mode and of the Hero Import/Export integrated feature - I was able to create unique sceneries you couldn't see in the original game (like the forest skirmish where Lares' thieves did ambush an Old Mine convoy), official artworks' remakes (like the picture you see over here) fake grass, fake rocks, shields, javelins, mounted combat, pole weapons, new animations and much more! Of course, no mods allowed, just Gothic 1.8j
Today I'm here to present you a new parallel Youtube project who did start the other day: Gothic Evolution Enhanced Edition.
Each video contains a single picture in HD, but it also contains a specific music choosen by me from Gothic 1/2/3 soundtrack that fits the photo content. The epic music created by Kai Rosenkranz brings to the photography project a lot of immersion and very strong emotions.


Let me know what you think about it...more videos will come soon. If you agree with me, in the next post I will post a preview picture and the Youtube link too. This way, who wants just to see the picture will be able to do that in here without clicking anywhere.

Last thing. I want to share with you another picture...probably the best one ever. It took me nearly 5 hours of continuous work to create this epic scenery (I can't save & load while manipulating NPCs). This happened when you betrayed Diego and Ian...but you couldn't see it with your eyes. The photo contains those innovative elements: "war charge animation - new", mounted combat, a skirmsher throwing javelins, fake grass.

Последнее редактирование:


Почетный форумчанин
5 Ноя 2012
Google translate *pointing*
Good start! I liked the second screen with the attack on the caravan of the old camp, the scene was correctly and dynamically set *thumbs up*
The first one is not particularly, and when creating it, apparently, not only Marvin and hero import / export were used, but also Photoshop to add a sword, axes, a lute (and maybe ore) and arrange them in space as intended.
innovative & unique Gothic 1.8j photography project where - with the only help of the Marvin Mode and of the Hero Import / Export integrated feature - I was able to create unique sceneries you couldn't see in the original game (like the forest skirmish where Lares' thieves did ambush an Old Mine convoy)
Well, the fact that this project is innovative and unique is not a true statement :) I have been doing this since 2013, both in the original games of the Gothic series, and in various mods for them. Links to works can be found here: Готика - Художественные скриншоты FIRE DRAGON`а
For example:
The life of miners and scrapers
Life of the guards of the Old Camp
The life of thieves from the New Camp
Life of the Guardians of the Brotherhood of the Sleeper, etc.

There are other forum users who create such screenshots, and even contests on our forum are periodically held.

Хорошее начинание! Второй скрин с нападением на караван старого лагеря мне понравился, грамотно и динамично поставлена сцена *thumbs up*
Первый не особо, да и при его создании, видимо, использовался не только Marvin и hero import / export, а ещё и фотошоп, чтобы добавить меч, топоры, лютню (а может и руду) и расположить их в пространстве как задумано.
innovative & unique Gothic 1.8j photography project
where - with the only help of the Marvin Mode and of the Hero Import/Export integrated feature - I was able to create unique sceneries you couldn't see in the original game (like the forest skirmish where Lares' thieves did ambush an Old Mine convoy)
Ну и то, что этот проект инновационный и уникальный - не верное утверждение :) Я подобным занимаюсь с 2013 года, как в оригинальных играх серии Готика, так и в различных модах на них. Ссылки на работы можно найти здесь: Готика - Художественные скриншоты FIRE DRAGON`а
Жизнь рудокопов и скребков
Жизнь стражников Старого Лагеря
Жизнь воров из Нового Лагеря
Жизнь стражей Братства Спящего и др.

Есть и другие форумчане, занимающиеся созданием подобных скриншотов, и даже конкурсы на нашем форуме периодически проводятся.


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
So, apparently it's a common thing in the Russian forums to manipulate animations and create those screenshots (I'm talking about the contests). That makes me sad, because I did always think I did something special, but it wasn't special at all. It's still a good hobby though.
I apoligize if I claimed to be the first one to do things like these. I will write on the German forums that someone in Russia did it way much earlier than me. I'd also like to share your galleries in the Western forum, but apparently the two World of Players are "rival forums", because they don't share the same website design. I will ask to one of my moderators if I can share your work by sending people in here. It's an honor to talk to you!
PS: I did check your photo where two Shadows pay respect to Gomez. So, you use the s_chestbig_s0 animation too if an NPC does have to kneel and pay respect to someone.
PS 2: I see you did create a picture about Talas and the Almanach...In these days, I had the intention to create it too xD And I have my own version of Baal Lukor and his templars, but they are not walking in the bridge. Soon, I will reveal it

About my Loading Screen Art remake (I did call it "Seat of Power")...
Obviously, the frame has been added with GIMP. But the other things come from in-game. I didn't use mods or Photoshop.
The proof: Look at the lute...it's casting a shadow. That means someone (who is invisible) is equipping a lute. Same thing applies to the sword and to the axes (if you can't see the shadow, it's because the NPCs are partially below the ground level).
About the ore nuggets, I did throw them to the ground, they were in my inventory. Each time I needed 1 ore coin, I did take it from one of those treasury chests.
Последнее редактирование:


Почетный форумчанин
5 Ноя 2012
Google translate
So, apparently it's a common thing in the Russian forums to manipulate animations and create those screenshots (I'm talking about the contests). That makes me sad, because I did always think I did something special, but it wasn't special at all. It's still a good hobby though.
Of course, a good hobby *nice meeting* Each screenshot is kind of unique and special, because this has never been in the game, you are staging it yourself, using the available engine features and the game mode cheat. So, do not stop, and I look forward to new works from you *thumbs up*
Beautiful and detailed staged screenshots in Gothic are still very few people can do, including ours.
So far, two such contests have been held as inter-forum in Russian gothic forums: in 2018 and 2019 (we are planning more in this and subsequent years). They are allowed to shoot not only in the original Gothic, but also in modifications.
If interested, here are the links:
screenshot contest "Shoulder to shoulder"
screenshot contest "Right to Hate"
I apoligize if I claimed to be the first one to do things like these. I will write on the German forums that someone in Russia did it way much earlier than me. I'd also like to share your galleries in the Western forum, but apparently the two World of Players are "rival forums", because they don't share the same website design. I will ask to one of my moderators if I can share your work by sending people in here.
It's okay, you didn't know :) I would be grateful if information about my work will be posted on Western forums. The two World of Players are not exactly rivals, we are just different, and apart from similar themes and love of games, they are in no way connected. I do not see any problems if some of my work will be posted there with attribution and with links to the relevant posts on this forum.
PS: I did check your photo where two Shadows pay respect to Gomez. So, you use the s_chestbig_s0 animation too if an NPC does have to kneel and pay respect to someone.
Quite right!
You can also use the good old s_idol_s1, s_pray and s_innos_s1 хD
And also here I applied animation t_trfshoot_2_stand
PS 2: I see you did create a picture about Talas and the Almanach ... In these days, I had the intention to create it too xD And I have my own version of Baal Lukor and his templars, but they are not walking in the bridge. Soon, I will reveal it
Great! I'm looking forward to it. Although some plots may coincide with us, since there is one primary source, the vision is different, so unique works are obtained :)
For example, an attack by the thieves of the New Camp on the convoy of the Old Camp:
my version / your version
Your work, in my opinion, turned out to be more expressive and dynamic, while mine reflects only preparation for a surprise attack хD
The proof: Look at the lute ... it's casting a shadow. That means someone (who is invisible) is equipping a lute. Same thing applies to the sword and to the axes (if you can't see the shadow, it's because the NPCs are partially below the ground level).
Indeed, I didn't pay attention to invisibility. Good job *thumbs up*
Each time I needed 1 ore coin, I did take it from one of those treasury chests.
Yeah, good way! It was also possible to create chunks of ore one by one with the insert command, pick up, throw and again in a circle ;)

So, apparently it's a common thing in the Russian forums to manipulate animations and create those screenshots (I'm talking about the contests). That makes me sad, because I did always think I did something special, but it wasn't special at all. It's still a good hobby though.
Конечно, хорошее хобби *nice meeting* Каждый скриншот своего рода уникальный и особенный, ведь такого никогда не было в игре, постановку осуществляешь ты сам, используя доступные возможности движка и чит режима игры. Так что, не останавливайся, и жду новых работ от тебя *thumbs up*
Красивые и детальные постановочные скриншоты в Готики всё ещё очень мало людей может делать, в том числе и у нас.
В качестве межфорумных на российских готических форумах пока два таких конкурса было проведено: в 2018 и 2019 (в этом и последующих годах планируем ещё). На них разрешено снимать не только в оригинальных Готиках, но и в модификациях.
Если интересно, вот ссылки:
Конкурс скриншотов "Плечом к плечу"
Конкурс скриншотов "Право на ненависть"
I apoligize if I claimed to be the first one to do things like these. I will write on the German forums that someone in Russia did it way much earlier than me. I'd also like to share your galleries in the Western forum, but apparently the two World of Players are "rival forums", because they don't share the same website design. I will ask to one of my moderators if I can share your work by sending people in here.
Да ничего страшного, ты ведь не знал :) Буду благодарен, если информация о моих работах будет размещена и на западных форумах. Два World of Players не то, чтобы конкурирующие, просто мы разные, и кроме как схожей тематики и любви к играм никак не связаны. Не вижу никаких проблем, если некоторые мои работы будут размещены там с указанием авторства и с ссылками на соответствующие сообщения этого форума.
PS: I did check your photo where two Shadows pay respect to Gomez. So, you use the s_chestbig_s0 animation too if an NPC does have to kneel and pay respect to someone.
Совершенно верно!
Можно ещё и старыми добрыми s_idol_s1, s_pray и s_innos_s1 хD
А также тут я применил анимацию t_trfshoot_2_stand
PS 2: I see you did create a picture about Talas and the Almanach...In these days, I had the intention to create it too xD And I have my own version of Baal Lukor and his templars, but they are not walking in the bridge. Soon, I will reveal it
Отлично! Жду с нетерпением. Хоть некоторые сюжеты у нас могут совпадать, так как есть один первоисточник, но виденье то разное, так что получаются уникальные работы :)
Например, нападение воров Нового Лагеря на конвой Старого Лагеря:
моя версия / твоя версия
Твоя работа, по моему мнению, получилась выразительнее и динамичнее, в моей же отражены только подготовка к внезапному нападению хD
The proof: Look at the lute...it's casting a shadow. That means someone (who is invisible) is equipping a lute. Same thing applies to the sword and to the axes (if you can't see the shadow, it's because the NPCs are partially below the ground level).
Действительно, на невидимость я не обратил внимания. Здорово *thumbs up*
Each time I needed 1 ore coin, I did take it from one of those treasury chests.
Ага, хороший способ! Можно было также по одному создавать куски руды командой insert, подбирать, бросать и снова по кругу ;)
Последнее редактирование:


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020

Time taken
: more or less 3 hours
Description: The Nameless Hero decided to join the Gang and he is ready for his first task.
- The hero doesn't wear the thief armor because it's not ready yet: realistically talking, it might take some time before creating an armor, if it's not available. This inconvenient does really happen in G1 (Crawlerplate armor quest by Wolf)
- The tavern waiters are NOT Balam and Omid. I just recycled their skins...also, the Balam-like skin is much skinnier. Why did I recycle the skins? Because there are only three people in the game dressed like that: Balam, Omid and Snaf.
- The guy with a mace is a tavern bouncer. I decided to give him heavy armor in order to distinguish him from the mass.


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Excalibur Gothica.jpg

Time taken
: More or less 2,30 hours
Description: The hero grabs the iconic Old Sword while his savior is watching him. In the meantime, an Old Camp convoy from the marketplace is returning to the feud.
- Orry (the red guard near the beginning gate) says that thieves often approach the exchange plaza in order to steal goods. That's why I decided to add a convoy in the background: the area in the beginning should appear as "militarized" and not desolated.
- I decided to present you a less aggressive/more realistic version of scavengers. If you don't provoke them, it's difficult they will attack, especially if there are lots of people around!
- The second guard from the right is performing a walking animation that did not exist in the original game (walking with a sword over a shoulder).


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020

I did already upload the picture in the first topic's post. Here you can only find the Youtube Enhanced Edition link.

Time taken
: nearly 3,45/4 hours!!

Description: This is a scene which is not visible in-game. But it really happens. The Nameless Hero did bring the List to Ian. The time has comed: Lares sent some guys in the forest to attack a convoy full of supplies. And the street on the forest is the perfect spot for a lethal ambush!!!
- You can see Gorn in the left side of the picture. In-game, he admits he raids convoys along with the thieves guild, but the other mercenaries don't know about it. In the picture, he is wearing rogue armor because he is fighting undercover. Can you imagine if a survivor tells Gomez that mercenaries are killing Old Camp guards?!
- In the snapshot, you can see some new animations and fighting concepts: check for example the war charge of the heavy thief near the camera. Or a rogue who is going to throw a javelin. Or the Old Camp Knight with his "horse"...or should I say razor? Yes, the knight is far away from the camera, but one day you will see other knights much closer than this!


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Sleeping Souls of Freedom.jpg

Time taken
: I don't remember, around 3 hours
Description: An exclusive religious function inside of the Sect Temple. In-game, the temple was always almost empty.
- The fat guy near the camera and the other one on the left are washing their head with some water. I thought it was cool to add a real life ritual (check for example the Roman church). Of course, I know that those bowls were supposed to contain embers.
- Check some loneys: they do have an haircut and this is a lore-friendly fact!
- Check the two templars near the bosses: they are performing a salute that wasn't present in the original game!


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
The Cursed Expedition.jpg

Time taken: more or less 2,30 hours
Description: Angar did send some of his templars to an orc cave that was "suggested" by the Sleeper during the Great Invocation. Almost everyone is near the entrance, but something shady moves in the darkness. Something is going to be wrong and nobody will come back to their home.
- In this pic you can find a dual wielder (his swords are thin, though) and an arrow quiver without arrows (just watch the archer on the left).
- My Windows 10 capture software did cut in half the beautiful Sword of Victory. Sigh.
- Did you know you can save all or almost all the templars if you're strong and quick enough?! However, they will only breath. They won't be able to talk, to react to an aggression or to move.


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
The Rice Business.jpg


Time taken
: uhm...as I remember 3,30 hours, but only because I did have problems to organize the scenery. It might be a 2,30 hours work.
Description: The Nameless Hero and Horatio decide to bring justice to the rice fields. Unnamed criminal #1 gets knocked unconscious, maybe due to an unexpected KO punch. Unnamed criminal #2 is threatened with a sword, then is eventually forced to surrender. The Hero, stronger than ever, lifts from the ground his "friend" Lefty and shouts something at the Rice Lord. The Rice Lord will quickly lose his determination to fight. In the future, the peasants will receive some essential human rights. The fields are safe!!!
- I'm sure you've already seen in-game some animations like the one Horatio is performing. I just recycled them for a different purpose. However, I bet you wouldn't be able to imagine that in Gothic it is possible to create a proper hand to hand animation (Rice Lord)...but if you're a German gamer you still have a chance to imagine that. Do I sound cryptic? Perfect xD


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
The Shadows' Investiture Ceremony.jpg

Time taken: I don't remember...it's a very old pic (and I don't even like it LOL).
Description: The Nameless Hero finally did make it. He works for Gomez. Now, he must wear the distinctive clothes of the Shadows: it's time for the official ceremony!
- I don't really like this picture because Gomez's boots are floating below ground level and because of the two heavy guards looking at you while saluting. I did position them in that way only to make it possible to you to understand the animation played by each heavy guard. Because it wasn't clear at all.
- Near Gomez, you can see the three key persons who did allow you to meet him: Diego, Thorus and Raven. Of course, Raven didn't do much but he looks like Gomez's bodyguard/most trusted baron (since chapter 2, he will always stay near the throne) and he was the guy who escorted to him and who did give you some advices.
- I did consider to insert a small unit of heavy guards because they are the elite soldiers of the Camp. So, they would do things like protecting the Ore Barons House and partecipate to important ceremonies. That's why I sometimes depict them as knights. They look very important and respected soldiers...maybe even "rich".


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Sayonara Gomez!.jpg

Time taken
: More or less 1,15 hours: It has been very-very difficult to position Gomez in the right spot. It has been seriously frustrating too.
Description: The battle between Gomez and the Nameless Hero did not end up in the throne room; instead, the last of the Ore Barons manages to route to the great tower, triggering an epic chase up to the top of it. The Hero finally manages to disarm the Old Camp Butcher, then kicks him off the tower in order to kill him. Gomez still refuses to give up, he wants to live! His right hand manages to grapple the ledge. Dozens of people down there is watching this sensational moment. A moment that will lead to another revolution. It's over...the abyss calls for another life. Innos be praised!!!
- I actually wanted to show you the scenery from a top/down perspective. You would see dozens of NPCs everywhere in the Outer Ring's streets watching the fall of the tyrant. Too bad that the Ore Barons' tower is way too tall: because of engine limits, it's not possible to observe NPCs from that panoramic spot...they are too far away! :-( EDIT: IN AUGUST 2020 I DISCOVERED A SPECIAL TECNIQUE THAT GETS RID OF THE NPC RENDERING DISTANCE ISSUE. MAYBE I WILL CREATE A REMAKE OF THIS ARTWORK WITH A TOP/DOWN PERSPECTIVE


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Management Issues.jpg


Time taken
: More or less, 1,30h.
Description: The Ore Barons just decided to invade the Free Mine, but Corristo is really upset...he has something to say to Gomez! Will the Old Camp leader listen to him? Ok that was ironic. RIP Corristo...
- Can you see the facial expression of Corristo? With the head looking down, he seems to be even more upset!
- The table is very long. Bartholo is there, but you can't see him. Same thing for Thorus (he's the army chief, after all).
- If you watch the Enhanced Edition version of the artwork, the scary music will suggest you what will happen after the argument.
- That weapon carved on the table is technically a short sword. But I wanted to make it look like a dagger. Daggers don't exist in game. With some creativity, now they do xD


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Moonless Duel.jpg


Time taken
: 1 hour.
Description: The Nameless Hero fights against an orc in the mountains that connect the Guardian's Crypt to the New Camp. This is a remake of the Gothic 2 Loading Screen Art.
- I named the picture "Moonless Duel" because in the original duel you would see the moon.
- In this photo, you can see two new animations (one for the orc...left iron bracer blocking a sword blow, and one for the hero) and you can see that my flora-decorating skills did improve: now, dead shrinked golems are combined with swampweed to create a more complete landscape...grass & rocks!
- Actually, the hero is not holding the sword. Instead, an invisible NPC is doing the job for him: a decent combat animation where the hero holds a sword up like this doesn't exist, so, his hand rotation wasn't correct and I had to do something to prevent a bad weapon hold.
- The hero is not holding the torch too! Left-hand torches are a real pain to place, because with the command "goto camera" they won't move along with the invisible NPC who is holding them.


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Mordrag's Ring.jpg


Time taken
: Nearly 2,25 hours (lot of time wasted because when I was done it was nighttime and I had to wait until daytime)
Description: The Nameless Hero did arrive to the New Camp for the first time ever. Mordrag offers him a precious ring and the chance to meet Lares. The Hero is not too sure about this choice and is thinking about it.
- To be honest, the Hero did turn to our side because I just wanted to show you the ring. As a consequence of this pose, it looks like he is not too sure about meeting Lares.
- These sort of spears aren't spears (look at the weapons' head). They are called "glaives" and they share with the spear the fact that they are pole weapons.
- I think that's the first picture where I decorate the scenario with items leaning on walls. Can you see those two bows? I'm talking about them.
- Mordrag is playing a new animation (say goodbye with a bow on a shoulder).
- One of the mercenaries is Jarvis. He should be wearing medium armor, but for this screenshots I thought the heavy armor would be really badass.
- I did use a black guy instead of the other Jarvis' companions because I wanted to create some contrast and highlight Jarvis because he's the key NPC in that area of the Camp (for real, I'm not joking).
- I don't like the fact that Jarvis looks smaller than the other guy. I didn't edit their scale, so, it might be possible that the terrain is not completely flat. The spears are not placed at the same height (it's not possible doing it with precision), but it's only a difference about some millimeters.


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
The Lion's Den.jpg



Time taken
: I don't remember...more or less 2,30 hours.
Description: The leader of the Orc Town varrags (=shamans) is waiting for you...
- This picture features two unused animations: orc dog sleeping + orc sitting on a chair. I created a custom animation for the orc warriors' pose.
- Thanks to the Hero Import/Export feature, I was able to create a new orcish weapon (and in my opinion it looks pretty cool). I called it "Krush Tarpach". It's a bardiche, and it's a fusion between the impressive dimensions of the Krush Tarach pole weapon and the Krush Pach normal axe.
- Strangely enough, this throne room was left unfinished by the developers. There were no orcs in there. I can only suppose inside of the tribe there is a king shaman and 4 shamans who act like minor chiefs or assistants (I'm talking about the 4 shamans near the Sleeper's small statue - the statue you can grab with telekinesis).
- The original room previous to my artwork did already contain some skulls. However, I decided to place two other skulls near the orc shaman's foot. They aren't placed with precision, but I wasn't able to do better. On the contrary, the rotting sewered human head in the middle looks placed pretty well.
- I didn't use difficult tecniques to place those skulls and that rotting head: they are just two skeletons and a zombie, but I did hide their bodies below the ground level.


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020


Time taken
: 1,30h.
Description: Stone the blacksmith did publically claim he was against Gomez. Now, he will go to jail and maybe die by starvation. Or maybe not. Will the Nameless Hero be able to free him?
- This picture shows you two new animations: the blacksmith and the officer on the right are playing them.
- Even if they seem to play a new animation, the guards holding Stone are playing the same animation I did use for the bar counter at the tavern. Go and check the loney digger who drinks a beer.
- The dungeons below the castle are a pretty creepy and dirty place full of dead bodies. That's why I did choose to place shrinked meatbugs. Let's play this game: how many meatbugs can you see?
- I did choose to shrink the meatbugs because anybody would kill a normal (giant) Gothic meatbug. Do you deliberately kill ants in real life when they are near of you? They are so small that you don't even bother about them. That's what I thought.
- This is the first time where I use the "sad" facial animation. Stone is playing it.
- The old guard on the right (one of the guys who is holding Stone) is the unnamed guard who did originally guard the dungeons.


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Nature at Dusk.jpg

Time taken: 2,25 hours
Description: A scavenger family (puppies and an egg included!), some bloodflies, some ants and a wonderful vista point!
- This picture shows you things you've never seen before. Even the bloodflies themselves are doing something special: flying very high in the sky!
- This is the first screenshot where I use ants. Ants are extremely small mine crawlers shrinked with the help of the Hero Import/Export feature. The shrink spell wasn't enough to do a perfect job.
- The bloodflies might seem very distant. To be honest, I did just shrink them with the specific spell and I did place them near the scavengers. The distance is just an illusion.
- During your gaming experience, you could occasionally see scavengers hunting for bloodflies, but the scavengers wouldn't be able to do any kind of damage to their prey. This didn't make any sense at all, that's why I did place a dead bloodfly near the birds family! Now, scavengers are real predators.
- Even if they are of the same size, the female scavenger is the one crouching near the puppies. The male scavenger is the one who is eating a giant meatbug.
- This time, no fake grass: I had to focus on very small details.
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Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Dungeon Reunion.jpg


Time taken
: 2h.
Description: The Hero and his best friends meet again inside of a dungeon. In the background, a dangerous flamethrower trap has been triggered by someone. Disclaimer: The artwork should be watched as a fantasy artwork: this scene could never exist in the original game.
- Each NPC (except for Diego) is playing a new animation/pose.
- Even if Diego isn't playing new animations, you can see a new special feature on his back: he's carrying an arrow quiver with arrows. However, you can't see the quiver.
- For the first time ever, you can see an NPC dual wielding magic + a melee weapon.
- I don't know if the illusion works as intended, however you should be tricked to think Milten's arms are behind his head (he's holding a mage staff on his back, after all). However, the arms are located in front of his head and the staff was placed far away from them, behind his back.
- I'm proud to present you the first shield you would ever see in the Vanilla version of Gothic 1. It's an enlarged gear wheel (I had to use Hero Import/Export feature). I also created another shield with a giant dining plate, but it doesn't look cool like this.
- Diego's shadow is dark black. Why? That's because in the same position there are other 3 invisible NPCs. They are equipping the arrows.
- This is the first picture where I manipulate fx effects. In this case, they are the fire beams and the spell's cloud. Of course, an invisible NPC is playing an animation that allows those effects to appear.
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