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Gothic Evolution E.E. - An immersive, revolutionary G1 photography project


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
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  • #1
Enhanced Edition
by Davide Miraglia, an Italian Gothic fan(atic)
Hi to the Eastern European Gothic fans (I guess most Gothic fans are from here)!
I'm Davide Miraglia, I'm from Italy and I'm an expert Gothic 1 animation manipulator. I can't speak/read Russian, sigh!

Nearly one year ago, on a Western European forum I did found Gothic Evolution, an innovative & unique Gothic 1.8j photography project where - with the only help of the Marvin Mode and of the Hero Import/Export integrated feature - I was able to create unique sceneries you couldn't see in the original game (like the forest skirmish where Lares' thieves did ambush an Old Mine convoy), official artworks' remakes (like the picture you see over here) fake grass, fake rocks, shields, javelins, mounted combat, pole weapons, new animations and much more! Of course, no mods allowed, just Gothic 1.8j
Today I'm here to present you a new parallel Youtube project who did start the other day: Gothic Evolution Enhanced Edition.
Each video contains a single picture in HD, but it also contains a specific music choosen by me from Gothic 1/2/3 soundtrack that fits the photo content. The epic music created by Kai Rosenkranz brings to the photography project a lot of immersion and very strong emotions.


Let me know what you think about it...more videos will come soon. If you agree with me, in the next post I will post a preview picture and the Youtube link too. This way, who wants just to see the picture will be able to do that in here without clicking anywhere.

Last thing. I want to share with you another picture...probably the best one ever. It took me nearly 5 hours of continuous work to create this epic scenery (I can't save & load while manipulating NPCs). This happened when you betrayed Diego and Ian...but you couldn't see it with your eyes. The photo contains those innovative elements: "war charge animation - new", mounted combat, a skirmsher throwing javelins, fake grass.

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Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Hello dear Russian community!

I want to create a movie with my artworks and I think I will present you an Alpha version of it during the first months of 2021.
I will merge normal gameplay (just the strictly necessary parts: there will be lots of cuts) with 20 seconds of each of my artworks.
Each artwork will appear at the right moment: for instance, when Gomez will tell us he did throw to jail Stone the blacksmith, the "Imprisoned" artwork with the related music will play full-screen. Just for 20 seconds hey...
The content will be released with English voices... My Gothic has been dubbed in English. Maybe a volunteer will reupload the video with Russian subtitles...

PS: Of course, during gameplay the health bar and other menu things will be hidden. Probably, I will use the cinematic camera too...an important touch of magic!
PS 2: I think it will take some years to create a full movie: I created lots of artworks, but they are not enough to cover the whole game.

Let me know what you think about it. Could it be interesting to you? In my opinion, the original "Gothic: The Movie" was very cool, but it was normal gameplay with cinematic camera and maybe some waypoint scripts (you would see nothing new). In my artworks, you can find elements that weren't available in the original game. They are like an Unofficial Bonus Content, they are something that was created by thinking "outside of the box".
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Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
The Riddle.jpg


Time taken
: 2,30h.
Description: Riddler (Riddler is the real name of "the Stranger") approaches the Fog Tower dungeon for the first time ever. He is docking in the cave's entrance....maybe the tower door was locked? Also...how did he get past those lurkers? Chromanin was the first of his intriguing riddles. Dear fans...here's the second one!!!
- I just want to say thank you to an expert from the German WorldOfPlayers forums (Lali): before creating this artwork, I had consulted with him about the stranger. We don't know who he might be (it's a riddle, after all) The only thing we know, is that the Fog Tower dungeon was supposed to be linked to the original questline. Somebody decided to discard the idea in the final version of the game, so the PB left us with an unlinked mysterious quest.
- This screenshot is very special to me. For the first time ever, I managed to transform a Battle Staff into an heavy wooden log. With some logs, I created a raft. In poor words, that's the first raft ever you can see in Gothic.
- It was a real pain to build the raft: I had to coordinate six giant NPCs. They were as tall as a tower.
- The staff located near one of Riddler's feet is intended to act like an oar... It was the item that was more similar to an oar.
- In the raft, you can see three Bloodfly Transformation scrolls: these are the magic writings you will eventually find in the inventory of the dead guy. There are also two books...are they Chromanin volumes? Or are they related to Riddler's unknown mission? Lali supposes the mages did send the Stranger to discover the cave's secret. But it's only a theory... However, in my opinion that might be true: Riddler carries a precious amulet, some scrolls and some books. He looks like an intelligent guy interested in the arcane arts. Maybe he wanted to join the mages and the cave was his entrance test...
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Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
The Tears of Innos.jpg

Time taken
: 1,30h.
Description: The execution of the alchemist Damarok did take place just some minutes ago. Many people - even some people who live in the Old Camp - is going to miss him and his fellow mages. After all, not everybody in the Old Camp is an evil person!
- This is the first artwork where I use two NPCs to create a single NPC (a beheaded guy with invisible body and an headless body). Without this special tecnique, I wouldn't be able to tilt Damarok's head that way. Well...I could...but the body would have a different pose!
- Everybody in the scenery is floating in mid-air: the scene takes place in the platform near the castle gate, but the scaffold was way too tall for an execution. I had to give you the illusion that the scaffold is shorter.
- Since everybody is floating in mid-air and I can't place NPCs with lots of precision, some NPCs could look slightly smaller/taller than the others. That's even realistic LOL
- In this picture you can see three named NPCs: (from left to right) Dusty, Whistler, Gravo. Even if they live in the Old Camp - one of them is a man of Gomez too - they look pretty sad or even desperate. The nearby guards should arrest them, but they don't. Why? Well...not everyone in the Old Camp is evil. Working for someone doesn't mean sharing his psychopathic ideas. For instance, look at Stone and Scorpio...they didn't like their boss but they were guards.
- In order to create the hanging rope, I had to use a weed stomper. In my opinion, it really does look like a (very low resolution) rope.
- This could be the first time where you can see someone (Whistler) playing the "desperate" animation. Originally, the game did use it when a particular spell did hit you (I guess pirokinesis is involved? I don't remember).
- Did you know there's a console command that allows you to force rainy weather? It's called zstartrain.


Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
If you like Witcher-inspired romance cards, I did create a special card for Velaya (the Hero seemed interested in approaching her, so, now justice has been done!).

You can find the content in my Youtube channel . 1 download link for the picture and 1 download link for the whole video with special effects are waiting for you.
I will NOT post a link in here because it's adult content (artistic nudity). However, I grant you this cartoonized artwork is very classy and thanks to it Velaya looks like an elegant/classy woman instead of the usual sex slave of Gomez.
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Участник форума
28 Июл 2020
Hi guys! I just lost some interest in the project. I think I will come back in some months.

I did say I would create a Gothic movie...unfortunately, I abandoned the project because it was way much time consuming. I could still upload the pre-alpha results and I think you will find it interesting in any case, because you can see things like guards saluting you while saying "For Gomez" (new animations)...or custom dialogues with original voices (a voice mix)

Today, I created for the Gothic community a Gothic Evolution Enhanced Edition special content. It's not the usual artwork with Kai's music.
Do you remember about the unlit castle fireplaces?
In November, I did record the fireplace in Bartholo's room for the movie's Velaya scene (the Hero would sleep with her), but today I transformed that fireplace sequence into an ambient video for relaxing or sleeping. No, Velaya isn't there, only the fireplace LOL
Of course, I did lit on the fireplace and decorate its surroundings with my special Marvin Mode hacks. You can read a tutorial about them in the video description! And there's a thunderstorm outside: the atmosphere is dark...Gothic style!

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