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To the author, Asedra - I believe your mod uses the wrong W_Info.hdr(doc) file for its base. Exactly, it uses the unpatched file from the game's unpatched archive of C_1_NA.PAK, and not from the cumulative patched archive of C_1_NA.P00. One of the clues is the Hakon's sword reward that got...
Slavemaster Bro, this zSetItemOnEquip thing? Could you explain what exactly does it do? And would a regular Gothic/NotR player would really need it? Or is it more fitting in mods that do a lot of (new) stuff with equipment and inventory?
Finally. This fixed the stuttering animation lockups with the plugin that makes trolls able to hurl boulders/goblins.
EDIT: Damn it, it apparently did not. I (re)loaded a game it enabled the troll to throw stones without getting stuck (unlike before, when their throwing behavior was randomly...
Oh, shit. I noticed that only now! Thanks, this will make it so much easier.
Damn, I used too much slang. The message was of positive effect this editor has on the fandom, so keep up the good work! And yes, now I know this was inside the options. Thanks!
Hey, yo! I see this giant editor is still rolling and see people hating, but it doesn't care since it became too big for them, hehe.
Anyway, was there ever a method of reading a portal's name from Spacer.NET's level? I mean these names like "GRPWALDHUETTE01" or "GRPTURM02" for the unmodded NotR...
Outstanding. By the way, should one fix those newly reported errors of "triggerTarget = NULL" by removing the NULL string and leaving the target selection empty?
KirTheSeeker I managed to give better equipment to the two lightly armored Order's warriors that participate in the assault on the Saurians' fortress. They get it on the Chapter change, so their survivability rate should now be higher than before.
Mega swelltastic. I knew this tool is only going to get better. And it does.
LikerGothic Brony, is there any explanation on the errors found in the new ZEN error reporting tool (that R icon)? I figured out most by myself and how to fix them, but I don't understand how to handle this one: "PFX...
Updated the mod with v1.0b in preparation for the next, fully fleshed, proper release. Remember: this won't work with the new 64bit re-release from THQ Nordic!
The v2.6.8.1 fixes the issue with the ship, captain, and crew. Saves are compatible if that's the only issue; otherwise, it's better to start the new game.
You were right. And, while testing, I made a fresh install of Spacer.NET while testing the "bug", so it all checks out. Now, we only need the other way option, where Spacer.NET pulls the names for the visuals from the _WORK\DATA\MESHES\LEVEL\ADDON or NEWWORLD or OLDWORLD directories and saves...
Yo und yo. I have encountered a rather weird bug with Spacer.NET today (though it has been with me for a few years already since I started to use this newer program... I just didn't know xD). Mainly, when saving as a compiled .ZEN, the visual names for the world slices from the zCVobLevelCompo...
Slavemaster Broney, what's with this new category of "Garbage - don't use it" at your Google Drive collection? Are those obsolete [and something newer replaced/overrode them] or no longer appreciated [they are bugged or not the best quality (or something) and you don't want to or have time to...
The v1.0a was repacked into an installer with the newest NSIS of v3.09. This should stop issues when launching and/or installing under (specific?) Windows 10/11 configurations. Otherwise, it's the same as v1.0. Cheers.
Calls to various routines, including those of physics (judging from the...
The v2.6.7 is up. Improved the block/dodge recognition in all cases (for both versions) and many, many fixes for internal development bugs, plus a dose of regular content polishing.
It should be initiated the other way round, yes.
It should. I wouldn't use it, though. To set a variable to a fixed value that doesn't seem to be covered by Risen SDK is a grand invitation of problems (and the explanation with the speed spell isn't good either, because that spell doesn't...
Sure, these suggestions are OK (maybe except for the "scale an attribute to give you something you always want as soon as possible", as your first input since it will lead to the "I need to read all Wisdom giving shit RIGHT NOW" rabid case at the expense of everything else in the game; something...
KirTheSeeker Brony, keep laying those things (you think the mod should have) on me, since I don't have a very comprehensive list myself, still being busy with the other project, and I intended to make one only after I'm done with it. Keep in mind, it wouldn't mean I would implement everything...
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