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Вы используете устаревший браузер. Этот и другие сайты могут отображаться в нём некорректно. Вам необходимо обновить браузер или попробовать использовать другой.
I may be asking for too much, but is there a way to have a better camera in Gothic 3?
What I mean is that in Gothic 1 and 2 you could freeze Nameless (F6), move camera to your desired position, then unlock Namaless (F5). You could also open inventory and equip stuff when freezed. Can something...
I know this is an obscure game and not really mod friendly, but is there some sort of developer mode with a console command, and list of codes for individual characters and items? We could use it for polish wiki, which is so full of information, except for the Arcania section.
This video that the dialogue is in the original game, as far as I know, sinitar is a clickbaiter, but I'm not 100% sure about this one(I'm 95% sure this is fake).
From his video description
"This video shows restored cut dialogue, a debate at the Circle of Sun before restoring the Eye of Innos...
I wanted to test some dialogue option, then quickload and then choose the right one. Except I accidentally quicksaved and a quest is now lost.
Are there some tools that allow me to bring back a dialogue I already had before? Kinda like Gothic Variable Editor in G1/2
Страна разработчика: Польша
Платформа: Gothic Sequel
Язык: Польский, запланирован перевод на другие языки
Автор/разработчик: Gothic Sequel Entertainment
Дискорд: https://discord.gg/pntDfKc
Этот проект является завершающим в сиквеле Gothic и её сюжета. Это не мод, а самостоятельная...
мой первый пост на русском, я изучаю его в школе
Я сделал все как в этом видео:
но много опцииe диалога выглядит так "-" или одно письмо, без голосов.
мой язык: Польский
Can you make out anything from this? Should I keep going with english?
So I have this thing "Gothic_2_Steam_Fix_(Akella)_03.2018.exe" installed, it has russian voices, but it is written with that "messy" alphabet. Any solutions?
у меня Gothic_2_Steam_Fix_(Akella)_03.2018.exe" установлена. Это русская озвучка ( русский голос ) ,но субтитры нечитаемый.. Есть какие...
Is there a mod like this: adds few new guilds and good quests, allows to join Water Mages, small zens(like abandonem mine, when entering it you actually have to make your way through to mine valley instead of skipping it), eventually some texture and balance changes. I'm not looking for a big...
Rhobar II in G1? | Робар II в Готике 1?
In game, you can spawn a judge guy(inset pc_ritcher) and his guards so that means any character that is seen in intro, must have his model in game. So pyrokar and Rhobar II can be spawned in G1?
Hidden location | Скрытая локация
Some time ago I found an another location somwhere under the orc land, when I K+F8, a load screen shows up and then i was in dark place, there was nothing, its the same as in Anbadoned Mine. Someone also it happened
and know where exactly it is?
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