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Результаты поиска

  1. Fabiosek

    Union - мини плагины

    Hi. Request for adding a command to activate the box music zones. I have this command from another plugin, but it would be more convenient if there was something like this in marvinhelper. Thanks ;)
  2. Fabiosek

    Gothic ½ Union Resource manager

    Run the program as administrator, it should help.
  3. Fabiosek

    Gothic ½ Расширенный и списочный инвентарь для Готики [Плагин на Union]

    1. Ok, I'll reply to a PM later. 2. I don't know. I do not think so. Why would they add a mod to the workshop when they have a separate page on Steam?
  4. Fabiosek

    Gothic ½ Расширенный и списочный инвентарь для Готики [Плагин на Union]

    1. Not. The player only had the advancedinventory plugin - after disabling/removing it, the problem disappeared. 2. I know about this. But the mod has the by mudfreak inventory implemented by default, so uploading your plug automatically causes a crash. He only informs about it on the occasion.
  5. Fabiosek

    Gothic ½ Расширенный и списочный инвентарь для Готики [Плагин на Union]

    Hi. I would like to report a user problem while playing with the "AdvanceInventory" plugin. In the German modification "Orcades" (up to Gothic 1), the user cannot do three things (with this plugin installed): 1. After throwing the water from the inventory onto the ground, the skeleton of...
  6. Fabiosek

    Union - мини плагины

    A request to add commands (zMarvinhelper) to stop the time (and analogically turn it back to normal). For taking screenshots (and more) these commands would be useful.
  7. Fabiosek

    Union - мини плагины

    Is it possible to get the command "play aisound"? Example: play aisound DIA_PIR_2600_Angus_Hello_07_01 //Runs a .wav named "DIA_PIR_2600_Angus_Hello_07_01" (Sound/SPEECH). Probably Snd_Play3D would run from sound/speech (snd_play works with sound/sfx)
  8. Fabiosek

    Union - мини плагины

    Thx. ;)
  9. Fabiosek

    Union - мини плагины

    Slavemaster A request to add a dialog stop - it's about keeping the visible dialog with the text (NPC/PC_HERO responses) when we freeze the game with the F9 key. Currently, the game is suspended, but the pop-up window will disappear after a while. After freezing, the F9 option should not go...
  10. Fabiosek

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Ok. But I know not everyone likes Steam, but since that wasn't a problem for you then your problem is solved :D.
  11. Fabiosek

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Ok, so... what's important in the "Steamfix" collection for you?
  12. Fabiosek

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    I have read the description of "Gothic SteamFix" topic, I don't recommend installing it. It's a mix of all plugins from different sources, and it was only tested for Steam. If I understand correctly, you want to play Gothic with Gog + fixes - which do you need? Maybe you only need to install...
  13. Fabiosek

    Готика 1: Gothic Steam Fix (русификация и сборник патчей для Steam)

    f1n2k3 Sorry, I don't understand Russian. But simple question: why do you need Steam Fix for the GOG version? If you have a problem with the game or Union, why don't you write in this topic?: https://worldofplayers.ru/threads/40376/ What part of the game are we talking about? Unfortunately, I...
  14. Fabiosek

    Gothic ½ Union (патч для Gothic)

    Ach, man, systempack.ini borderlesswindow=1 and alt + printscreen...
  15. Fabiosek

    Union - мини плагины

    Is it possible to have a "decompile all" command that would decompile EVERYTHING from Gothic.DAT? But then: 1. It would not make sense to start the editor automatically, as it would launch thousands of files. 2.The files should be in separate .d, it would be easier to read (according to...
  16. Fabiosek

    В разработке... Union. Пожелания насчёт плагинов

    Yes, but without new animations it doesn't make sense. In gothic it doesn't make sense. Tried once, it's stupid. In the original, when there is a threat, the torch falls to the ground, it is more interesting and immediately illuminates the area (when it is dark).
  17. Fabiosek

    Gothic ½ Плагин zSmoothAniTransitions - плавные переходы между анимациями

    I only saw it now, and the topic is over a month old, anyway... good job. So far I have only checked the 12 point for the G2A and it works very well. Hopefully this fix will be added to the new version of Union in the future. I will write about the rest of the amendments when I check them later.
  18. Fabiosek

    Union - мини плагины

    zCEventManager_DoFrameActivity_Fix <-- This bug has not been fixed in the latest version of Union? (1.0l).
  19. Fabiosek

    Union - мини плагины

    Thx. Btw. Can you hide the tooltips from " eg, var c_Npc Diego" etc.? This is unnecessary + crashes the game.
  20. Fabiosek

    Union - мини плагины

    Slavemaster Request to add hints to the "play theme" command (eg. play theme KAS_DAY_STD).
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